Just Jeepin'

The ease with which we can now create doctored video as well as doctored photos, can create audio of people saying things they never actually said... gotta wonder whether fake news (the original meaning, not the Trumpian “they’re being mean to me” sort) is ever going to be solved.

6th gear: 6.6 million new jobless claims

I suppose it would be structurally challenged as a cookie, but I’m always disappointed when any Jeep design (t-shirts, posters, whatever) doesn’t at least have one topless option (ideally entirely old-school topless CJ, but I’ll take what I can get).

Surprised they didn’t go electric, given how pollution can help spread these nasty bugs.

My only hope is that half the questions are about Jeep history, which, given half the Jalopnik crew is David Tracy...there’s a chance!

Zoom has been in the news nearly every day with a new privacy/security misfire.

I tried learning Cyrillic for about 5 minutes. East Asian languages, while interesting from a typographical perspective, are completely off the table.

Funny how, no matter how bad things are, they can always get worse.

Sorry[*] to be that guy: voilà.

This sounds like a job for a little white paint.

I think that depends a great deal on how many businesses can tough it out, how many decide they can do with fewer workers than they had before, etc.

Notably that 3 million figure is:

In fairness, I don’t think the panic is for 2 weeks. The panic is over the fact that we’re about a month in overall and there’s absolutely no end in sight.

I can’t speak to drivetrains, interior, or anything else important, but to me the Ghia looks so much better than the recent Fox body NPoCP.

That was tackled here, actually. Pollution can carry the virus.

I think the real argument against such unruly behavior is the risk of an accident. Both selfishly, in that you absolutely do not want to be in the hospital right now, and unselfishly, in that both first responders and hospital personnel have more important things to be doing.

Per Wikipedia, the Model T had a reverse pedal.

I don’t think there’s any “may” about it. 20-40% seems likely.

You know, with science like this, it would seem a bad time to roll back emissions standards...

How flexible are you that you can manipulate your center console with both hands at once?