Then you owe it to yourself to buy a Bollinger.
Then you owe it to yourself to buy a Bollinger.
one such test could be a super deep water crossing
Donning my flame-retardant suit, because I can imagine how popular this statement is going to be...
Brilliant. There’s a much closer cultural reference that’s failing to come to me at the moment, but this facsimile will have to suffice.
Nothing like that in Indy, at least not in the sections I frequented.
I can probably count on two hands the number of times I interacted with someone on the floor, and I don’t recall any sales pitches. Guess I got lucky.
For me, that’s enough: since nowhere else (here) has any large selection of electronics components, and for a long time they had seemingly everything else I could ever need computer-related, I was pretty forgiving of the leaky ceilings and dubious knowledge of their employees.
There seems to be a never-ending stream of self-inflicted problems from Kinja.
Suggestion on this I made elsewhere:
I’m opposed to the death penalty on principle, but I could make an exception.
I’ve never known much about the company, but it looks like people have been predicting the chain’s bankruptcy for a solid decade but it hasn’t happened (yet).
Yep, I grabbed the starter kit recently, thanks.
It is very unfortunate, especially since the Fry’s in my city has gone rapidly downhill (and, I’d wager, will be dead by the time this is all over, if it isn’t already).
I’ve heard, although not yet watched the YouTube video providing, that brown is really just another shade of orange.
Were speed the only concern, they wouldn’t offer a manual in any of them.
Good news, Torch covered that.
That context was covered in detail in the linked article. There wasn’t anything in this one to contradict it.
Finally magically appeared, so this comment shall live forever as a testament to either Max’s oops or my cluelessness.
Is my iPad hiding it from me, or is there no promotional video?