Part-time 4wd, not AWD, please. Names matter.
Part-time 4wd, not AWD, please. Names matter.
Pics plz!
Dude drives 80k miles a year. I bet the project isn’t quite finished yet, how much free time can he possibly have?
The danger there is that frequently those word-of-mouth sites are unauthorized.
I haven’t found the research from the aeronautic field where they’ve studied this, but for truck driving there are mixed results.
But at a higher cognitive cost. A gauge requires less thinking than a digital speed display.
How is it I’ve never seen these before? #sad
Junkyards never have Wranglers, sadly.
I can’t speak to Android but on iPhone or iPad just select the text and tap the BIU tab that pops up. iPad also includes it in the full keyboard.
I’m curious to see one you think was superior. From a human factors perspective it’s well-established that analog interfaces impose lower cognitive overhead.
Describing it as Thor’s Hammer makes it sound like you can’t remove the cup when you actually want to.
I’m not passing judgment on whether it’s a reasonable hope.
How did I not know this?!
Perhaps people are hoping more regulation means better sanitary standards.
All the small businesses who serve office workers who are now (or will soon be) working from home... there’s lots of pain to go around.
Long infectious lead times, contagious without symptoms, and I’ve seen some scary numbers about how long the virus can stay active outside the body.
One is a heck of a lot more dangerous than the other.
Every time I drive something that isn’t my Wrangler I end up damaging the front bumper on a kerb.