You’re generally safe until his hair gets mad.
You’re generally safe until his hair gets mad.
According to some, anyway.
Everyone seems to think the last “real” M car was whatever was on sale during their “wanting” days, as opposed to their “able to actually buy” days.
It’s complicated. See RootWyrm’s comment.
If it’s a true Wrangler competitor, it should have removable doors and that’s how you deal with tight parking spots.
Sounds like we need Ken on the case.
No one can quite agree on what “crossover” really means, but unibody is on pretty much everyone’s list of criteria.
Body on frame disqualifies it.
In the post about what to call 4x4 vehicles we held a brief discussion/argument about whether one could call the XJ a crossover.
Well played.
That is indeed the consensus.
I think I’ll stay away.
I nearly bought a Yugo once.
You should write up a piece about it for Oppositelock.
Wikipedia does, at least sometimes. I just skimmed the article on the XJ Cherokee and noticed that it referred to 3- and 5-door models.
Except the XJ Cherokee is one of the original SUVs and I defy you to retroactively call it a crossover.
Confession time.
I was driving down a remote highway once in my del Sol and came upon a tall tractor. It was so bloody tempting to drive underneath it.