Cool. Well, thanks for making it abundantly clear what type of useless asshole you are. You can fuck go fuck yourself now.
Cool. Well, thanks for making it abundantly clear what type of useless asshole you are. You can fuck go fuck yourself now.
“No matter what?” So, if I’m making a movie about, say, comic books geeks, and at one point in the script, one of my characters says, “May the Force be with you,” I have to get prior approval from Disney to include that in my film?
I’ve not actually met a gay man who objects to being called “queer.” I know they exist, but they tend to belong to a significantly older age cohort than my own - and I’m a middle aged queer myself.
What is the definition and uses of homage in works? How does this example not qualify for that definition?
“You’d have to be well into your 40s to even get this damn joke.”
I’m only 42!
But you are a hypocrite. That’s what we call it when people attack others for doing the same thing they did.
When you say “the maximum amount of work,” I’m pretty sure you actually mean “the minimum amount of work,” but whatever.
“Did you read any of the rest of my post, like how there was no one else to vote for?”
Wait... you compromised on abortion rights when you voted for governor, but you also won’t trust pro-choice men because they... might compromise on abortion rights?
Also born and raised in California.
When this story first cropped up, I sort of assumed that the people who were donating were doing it in a sort of symbolic, “Fuck the libs,” way. Like, they wanted to show people on the left how much support there was for this idea, and figured it was worth five or ten bucks for the pleasure. But, surely, they had to…
“That said, I wouldn’t go as far as saying this lady should have lost her book deal over this.”
Splinter’s really going hard after the first remotely viable queer candidate for the White House in history, isn’t it?
““This was another ceremonial falling on the sword that continues to cut a serious hole in efforts for newsroom inclusion and diversity,” she told the Sun. “She messed up. I get it. But you know that line, ‘The mouth speaks the truth of the heart?’ She told you how she feels.””
I can’t tell if she supports or opposes…
Still holding...
Are there any sport regulation bodies that aren’t absolute trash?
I moderate a message board. The day before The Force Awakens came out, in a non-spoiler thread on the message board, someone angrily posted that a newspaper had spoiled Han’s death. As the moderator, I had to read the post in order to delete, so other people couldn’t be spoiled.
“No, it’s not stupid. And no, I’m not a misogynist. I voted for Hillary and plan to vote for Kamala.”
But, also, too stupid to understand how the internet works. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out someone in the AG office forwarded that email, and they think the date that it was forwarded was the date it was sent.
““I support teachers using their voice to advocate for needed change,” Spearman said in a statement.”