
Jesus, this man is a disgrace. As if this wasn’t bad enough There’s another scandal about American’s war in Africa that needs to be brought into the open.

He thinks he’s Monty fucking Hall (RIP, btw). He thinks a desperate crowd of hurricane survivors are an audience. He thinks he is the benevolent game show host, and that giving out “prizes” will win him the adoration of his loyal viewers. This is actually a horrifying tableau reminiscent of feudal times. The people of

How timely.

“Warmest condolences?” WARMEST CONDOLENCES? That’s what you write on a card when a relative you didn’t know dies of old age. (Except you wouldn’t, because those two words don’t actually go together, but if you were kind of an idiot and didn’t know what else to say, maybe.) You don’t offer limp expressions of sympathy

Well, apparently we can have guns in this country, or men in this country. But we cannot have both guns and men in this country.

came for the new self-help audiobook series from kate, left disappointed.

So true. I tried weed and figured out they lied about it. Tried LSD, I didn’t tear my skin off looking for bugs or jump off a rooftop thinking I could fly so I knew they lied about that too. Then when heroin came around, I assumed since they’d lied about every other drug, they were lying about that also. Lived and

I believe that you can destroy that without smoke bombing a museum and its staff that are frequently the educators who have to face down the discrimination on the day to day. How many people did you have conversations with today about how the constitution’s goal is equal rights under the law for all our citizens and

This is a pattern: trump fucks up so badly when he speaks from his “heart” that he is forced, by his current handler, to read from the teleprompter. But, trump being trump means that he will not be told what to do, so after stewing about it all night without sleeping and heaping doses of Fox News he will call an

Regardless of your opinions on transgender issues, if you think it’s appropriate to sack 4000-7000 service members via tweet - many deployed and possibly currently in action - you’re a fucknut who has no right to give an opinion on military issues whatsoever.

You’re all wrong, he doesn’t look like a comic book villain, he’s actually Leland Palmer’s doppelganger. Any day now his hair will turn white overnight and he’ll have a dead body in his trunk.

More Justine fun facts:
She referred to herself as “Juzzy Wuzzy” (her maiden name is/was Rusczyk) whenever she was talking about “woo woo” stuff.

Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a

Friendly neighborhood archaeologist here. Fuuuuuuckkkk these Hobby Lobby fuckers for participating/contributing to the antiquities black market. I have had looters on EVERY SINGLE DIG I have ever worked on. I have been held at gunpoint for our finds. I have also slept on site with a fucking shotgun so looters wouldn’t

All right, Mr. Speaker: How are you going to handle this family issue?

Women suicide bombers are so rare that there isn’t enough data to properly build a profile, since up until recently suicide bombing was considered a man’s job. Getting women to do this is basically seen as an act of desperation among terrorists.

Terror attacks aren’t an “epidemic” in Germany - fuck off with that hyperbolic bullshit.

Luckily I have both this

I’ll address the elephant in the room: men. Male violence. Toxic masculinity.

Yup. The slapstick doesn’t negate the PTSD, it’s just the show’s surreal way of having Kimmy process it.