
And Obama’s signature looks like a baby T-Rex playing with a ball of yarn.

SO. Last week at this time I was nervously biting my nails waiting to see if the seller would accept our offer (and also starting the process of thinking “well, it’s fine, no one gets their first choice of house anyway,” etc) and then! Monday morning we found out that she accepted our offer! We were forced to not ask

Thank you to everyone who posted advice in response to my house query last week! You were all really helpful. We did end up persevering and finding an agent who is terrific—she took us to 5 houses in the pouring rain and talked us out of a house that we’d been thinking of because the basement was just filled with

me everyday:

me everyday:

To bolster the explanations below, no one in the Trump administration ever questions Sarah Palin’s status as a citizen or the right of Alaskans to take part in US govt, and Alaska is all the way up there on the other side of Canada.

I know it’s puppy day but some of us have both. John & his cats

only four women are included as a solo artist or as part of a band: the fantastic Alabama Shakes (led by singer/guitarist Brittany Howard), Calabasas rock band The Mowgli’s (which features singer/percussionist Katie Earl), and solo artists Alice Smith and ZZ Ward.

Ways to learn about slavery while maintaining the humanity of enslaved people:

This proposal is both refundable and advanced/advanceable, so yeah, it will still provide some level of benefit even if you pay no federal taxes. But with no Medicaid expansion, no cost sharing subsidy, and a $2,000/year credit, a lot of low-income folks are at best going to be able to get a catastrophic care plan and

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

Our racist uncle who posts conspiracy theories to Facebook is our president.

How about a lawsuit for libel against DJT?

Senator Graham, if you discover there was no wiretap will you ask for the President’s resignation?

For the next four years, Godwin’s Law is suspended. Why?

When that Joe Wilson asshole shouted “YOU LIE” at Obama during that SOTU I thought it was the most rude, unprofessional, disrespectful thing I’d ever seen. But tonight, I’d love to see a Dem Congressional member do it to Trump during an actual lie to see how the Repubs react.

I was going to try to be neutral, but I saw Betsy DeVos and just started screaming “FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK YYOOOOOOUUUU!!!!” My cats are now fluffed and skittish.

It took her three years to file a suit, which might be the shortest amount of time yet it’s taken Tesla to be fully charged.

“Man who has never done his homework discovers he doesn’t know any answers on the test”

If you press gently but firmly for 8.5 seconds just above the navel, the resulting pressure prevents the fetus from feeling any pain for the next five hours. This was proven in the same study they used to prove fetal pain.