I’m not sure what the Holocaust has to do with anything and how using it somehow denies the working, modern definition of racism. But whatever you got to do, friend.
I’m not sure what the Holocaust has to do with anything and how using it somehow denies the working, modern definition of racism. But whatever you got to do, friend.
Nah, study up by reading actual critical race theory and having, you know, a basic understanding of how race works in America.
Your ignorance is stunning.
...except that the Jews didn’t have power or control. White people do. The Holocaust was based on lies. You’re shockingly wrong about this history as someone that should know better.
I mean, I’m happy to provide multiple pieces of support, as well. But, yes, racism is prejudice combined with power.
What on god’s green earth are you prattling on about? Racism is prejudice combined with power. White people control the power in America, they benefit from the oppression of people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, etc . . .
That’s . . . not how racism works.
How about, anyone who *isn’t* reunited on time automatically gets a green card?
Carrie Cordero posted three articles on Lawfare over the past few weeks.
While Trump was scratching his ass and while Republican Senators met with their bosses in Russia, Warren was celebrating July 4th with soldiers stationed overseas in Iraq and Kuwait. Of course they’re scared of her and will be screaming Pocahontas ad infinitum.
Donald Trump Jr. tweeted at Elizabeth Warren today that she should name her new dog Sniffing Bull. It’s blatantly racist and I don’t understand why no ones picking it up. Calling her Pocahontas, which the Trump’s have done for years now, is also blatantly racist. Trump even brought it up unprompted because he was in a…
She can’t have done well on the vocabulary sections, since she knows a handful of impressive words but can’t use them correctly.
This may be heresay, but I once dated a woman who went to UPenn and had worked in the admissions office as a student. When we were dating (2008, so before the Trumps were anything other than a tv family), she mentioned that she saw Ivanka’s files and saw that she had an SAT score in the 1000s.
Median SAT score for…
To the pain.
What prosperity? Sure the stock market is doing well, but that’s only useful to people who are cashing out now. If you’re holding, it’s fairly meaningless as present performance isn’t a guarantee that the market will still be high when it’s your time to sell. And if you’re young and looking to buy in, the state of the…
Anybody else think that it’s especially ironic that the Administration chose Juneteenth as the day to pull out of the Human Rights’ Commission?
President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!
What’s now known as “swatting” is when someone makes a false report of an emergency at a residence in the hopes that a SWAT team will show up, guns blazing, and scare the shit out of the inhabitants.