
Actually, for a far more accurate definition, the plural of penis is a party.

I had a man friend who whined “but it’s not cooooomfortable” when I side-eyed his manspreading.

As someone that rides the DC and Baltimore trains frequently....yes. There’s the occasional asshole that puts their suitcase/purse on a seat instead of on their lap or under their seat, but that’s not nearly as frequent as the men that squish me against the window with their knees in order to allow their balls more

A phalanx?


I’m quite fond of “vulvae.”

Scientists say men’s wingspan-waist ratio is also responsible for the pay gap, war, and premature ejaculation.

This guy did a scientific study to prove that a small thing making him marginally uncomfortable sometimes is in fact making him marginally uncomfortable sometimes. Bravo. Now sit the fuck back down.

It's widespread by definition.

Maybe but “bag of penes” just doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well.

Because I know you’re all scrambling for your dictionaries:

Good thoughtful response. The main thing is for two people two be constantly asking each other, “Do you like this?” “Do you want me to xyz?” “Do you want to put xyz in my abc?” If you voiced those questions in your head as you read them like a robot, it will sound weird. If you voice those questions like you would if

I refuse to give out my number and won’t say why

Thank you SO MUCH for articulating this idea better than I ever could. I’ve been too afraid to express some of my thoughts on here, because I don’t want to be pilloried, but I think the feminist community would benefit greatly from acknowledging that as much as we would like consent to be a straight black-and-white

“All sex should be wanted sex, and just because this sex wasn’t really illegal doesn’t make it okay,”

Something like this happened to me in college. I had a bf back home, but a guy—let’s call him Bob—I was getting to know as part of my new friend group doggedly persued me. I was very clear about not being interested in him romantically. We had a class together and during finals at the end of that school year we were

Yes, you are right. And I would add that the reason why most of us have these messed up stories is we were taught girls have to be nice and girls also have to be ashamed of their sexuality.

He was super fucking angry with me. Yelled at me. I was terrified of him. Absolutely terrified. I slept with him. I didn’t want to. I never said no though. I slept with him because I was terrified of what would happen if I didn’t.

He responded, “Well some women are into being dominated. Don’t me so close-minded.”

As someone who has gone through something similar, you have my sympathy and respect. I don’t have the mental fortitude to talk about this with even my closest friends and family, and I really admire anyone who can discuss it openly and let others know they aren’t alone.