I got so confused when I heard the news. I was like, wait...the naming of the penguin was Jezebels way of saying he died??? What a weird coincidence.
I got so confused when I heard the news. I was like, wait...the naming of the penguin was Jezebels way of saying he died??? What a weird coincidence.
I mean, you KNOW he wanted to die at 69, upstaging the Golden Globes, with a freaky platypus-penguin carrying on his name. Still sad as fuck, though.
Fairy penguins are so cute, I took my niece to see a film called Oddball that’s based on a true story of how a farmer in Australia named Swapmy Marsh helped save a whole colony of Fairy Penguins from being killed by foxes by training a rspca rescued maremma dog to guard the little penguins on their island from foxes.…
Who here has seen March of the Penguins? Sometimes I cry just thinking about the part where the daddy penguins are standing on the shore, snuggling with their little babies and waiting on the mamas to return from the food-finding journey... And all the little penguin families are getting reunited and babies are…
It was that or Splashes to Splashes.
We can be penguins,
He still looks a little too young to be a major.
Space Waddlety.
Oh man, I figured it was named in celebration of Bowie’s new album.
Worst version of the “humans can lick, too” horror story.
No, but Cosby occasionally pops in to lick your toes while you sleep.
Probably depends on whether you’re allowed to make Hugh prance around in a little bunny outfit for your amusement.
Yeah, I’m trying to work out if he’s like a breakfast nook or a perpetually-leaking toilet. I’m leaning toward the leaking toilet. Who wants to pay for a house, and have an elderly guy wandering about, wearing slippers and a silk robe, unless it’s a relative?
Turning on a blacklight in that place would be like:
Does he increase or decrease the market value?
I’m sure some douche will do it because of Hef’s image. And regret it in a month when he realizes Hef is just a sad old man who saw his empire fall in his own lifetime.
“Moooooom! Hugh Hefner used all the hot water again! He’s been in there for like an hour. Make him get out, I need to go to school!”
I would never be able to shake the feeling that every surface in that place would be coated in a fine layer of lube and gonorrhoea.
I’m thinking the second. I’d be surprised if Hefner made making proper repairs as needed a priority. The house is almost 100 years old, and it’s probably seen much more damage than your average house during that time.
Whoever buys this place better have an amazon dash button for lysol wipes.