
Awww. More cute Fall photos anyone?

I’m *pretty* sure Stella is crazy about her tennis ball. The leaves are just a bonus.

I live in southern California, what is this “fall” nonsense you guys keep making up?

Why the fuckery with this? Shit like this is why I hate remakes. Don’t mess with what doesn’t need messed with. Unless, they film this like the stage musical. I can get behind that.

But, since the damn thing is in the works, it’s nice to see Laverne Cox get the nod for Frank.

I watched the revival on BBCAmerica this weekend. The most important role is Frank-N-Furter. The person they had in the role wasn't as good as Tim Curry. Curry was just so good that it's hard to compare to that. I hope Cox can pull it off or put a different spin on it.


You are not!

A transsexual woman playing a transvestite man who dresses like a woman. This is some Inception-level shit.

I’m not the only one that sang the first paragraph out loud am I?

Michael Rennie was ill the day the earth stood still, but he told us where we stand.

Now please let Amy Schumer and Bill Hader be cast as Janet and Brad and this remake will be soooooo awesome!

“3,000 miles away, Wes Anderson is jolted from his slumber. “Something eccentric is happening,” he murmurs.” This made me whole day. Bravo, Ellie!

If you rape somebody, you get called a rapist. The system works... for once

People in that area are not happy because a lot of them are assholes. And Hungary is currently being one of the biggest assholes of them all, especially in the form of the PM Viktor Orban. Please stop with the nonsense that poor Hungarians are upset because so many people have crossed their borders uninvited and make

I hear this shite all the time, and as a European I really need to ask, who are these people telling you that Europeans can’t be racist?! I think Europeans pretty much invented fucking racism and I have never, ever heard one European person tell me that we can’t be racist. So again, who are you getting this nonsense

Yeah, the tragedy under the tragedy of the refugee crises is that it kind of burst the US bubble that we are the only racist, anti-immigrant fuckers out there. Can Stephen Hawkins tell me again why its a bad idea for the robots to take over?

Yes, you’re right- Hungary is not America.

“a country that has a long history of people crossing their borders uninvited for what ever reason and usually ending up making life hell for native Hungarians”

How has this woman not had her ass kicked seven ways to Tuesday yet?? Don't Hungarians think she's vile, too?? She honestly seems like the kind of person who might benefit from getting a throat punch...