
Is there something io9 doesn’t love?

hate these all female reboots

There was no chance that this was going to be any good.

So did JAY-Z cheat more or less after this video came out

“With that in mind, it’s appropriate that writer-director Elizabeth Banks describes the new Charlie’s Angels as a continuation of the ’00s series rather than a reboot”

It was ok.

I got banned from the Root for stating that. 

i mean ‘hipster’ was historically a way to refer to white dudes in the 50s who took their cultural identity mostly from black art. these days it means someone who makes an identity based around alternative, non-mainstream culture...or i guess now it just means anyone who seems to like something in a ‘fake’ way.

Milk, milk, lemonade, play the album shit is made.

Beyonce fans are only matched by Trump loonies in their states of psychotic delusion.

That album had more writers than the Bible.

“This. This is what it means to be a Black woman constantly, quietly processing heartache.”

I believe they were speaking in terms of reality, not in terms of pop culture writers who keep their careers perceived as relevant based upon overblown outrage.

I follow Harmontown and I can’t remember Dan mentioning GG in at least 3 years. What I do hear him complain about recently, and often, is how his fans complain to him about how long new seasons take and to make the shows more straightforward and less political.

You have a very low opinion of your dad and brother. I hope they never read your post.

That says a lot more about you than it says about anyone else. 

“These morons think too much about a dumb ass show and spend too much time writing about it

Wow, this is a long comment for something a poster claims not to care about.

Jerry even specifically mentioned that Rick turned his son into Akira, hilarious stuff!

Dan Harmon is a genius. He has to be. If he isn’t, I’ve given almost a decade of my TV-Viewing to an idiot. That is unacceptable. Therefore Dan Harmon is a genius. And I will die protecting his vision. (I say, with multiple pencils sticking out from my hair)