
Iv noticed entertainment writers in this vein will make ridiculous conflations, like comparing Louis CK to mass shooters, or Joe Rogan and Sam Harris with neo nazi waterheads.

funny how no one talks about how she was throwing things at him before he slapped her

If you think its true then how are they supposed to handle it? Atwood addressed in a way that would be the most realistic and that’s unacceptable. The showrunners did it in a way that’s the most PC and accomodating and thats no good either. Then what would be?

Well, in the book, Atwood explained it in a way you would expect far-right christian fundamentalists would: through genocide. All jews, and non-whites are deported and/or killed. The showrunners thought that depicting that on TV wouldn’t fly in today’s age, so they changed it around to make Gilead more accepting of

Not in 2019, apparently. 

I can’t help but think that the dings against Margaret Atwood are dangerously close to the No True Scotsman fallacy. The Handmaid’s Tale (book) isn’t about marginalized groups; it’s about women. Is it really right to fault her for how she chose to focus the book? Personally, I think it’s okay to write a work about one

So a female college student attempted to raise the level of discourse on her campus by removing books written for young teens from the recommended reading list. Seems like a good thing. It is infantilizing for the college students to have children’s books recommended for them. Sure it might be enjoyable to read these

Comments like this one backing up Dessen’s position are missing the point so completely, it’s mind boggling:

She should figure out why she takes someone not liking her work as a personal attack on her character. 

Holy fuck, that was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve read recently.


I think it’s fair to feel hurt, but completely bizarre that a woman with a large public platform chose to respond to a quote from a student at a small college in South Dakota. How fragile is your ego?

Remove the google alert on your name. It will make your life much better. 

I’m with the student. YA books are fine, and I don’t care if other adults like them, but I applaud college students seeking more challenging material. Caveat: I have never read (or heard of) Dessen before this, so I don’t know if she’s actually YA.

How would Dessen even find this criticism?

This is what happens when you listen to waze and miss the exit for the high road. 

Eh. I see your point...but I do feel like they would have been better suited dividing this into, say, three separate lists for Comics, Webcomics, and Manga.

I fully applaud the effort to remind people that superhero books are a genre of comics, not the default of the medium, but this list gets too Pitchfork-y for me, leaving off big names at what feels like an editorially mandated level.

“Best Comics” lists usually involve people trying to prove how artsy they are by naming a bunch of indy and underground comics and avoiding stuff from the major publishers even when it’s quite good. In addition to Wicked Divine and Sex Criminals I’d add Vision and Lumberjanes to that list.

Yeah, this seems a bit try-hard.