
They don’t care about actual, functional solutions. They just want something to complain and be holier than thou about. 

You aren’t an intelligent person. 

Not to people whose entire ability to analyze things is predicated upon every work of art having to be representative of every diverse group except men. 

“Every major social change in this country has been led by the work of Black activists”

The reason for doing a 25 best comics of the last 10 years is so “spotlight works readers might not have heard of”?

This entire article is an embarrassment to a site that’s pretty used to embarrassing itself.

You’re an idiot. 

How would you have any insight into the inner thoughts of a stranger to the extent that you’re sure it’s “internalized misogyny”? 

“telling everyone that you joined a committee to keep frilly bitches and their teen novels out of a for-pleasure reading program is ABSOLUTELY internalized misogyny.”

That doesn’t even make sense. You have the mind of a child. 

The character isn’t a “real” woman. She’s a man with a mental disorder. Objectively.

Lol, I doubt that very much. 

I disagree in this instance. 

Yeah, I disagree. 

And I’m sure a complete failure at life. I’m pretty sure I remember that you’re like a 50 year old woman. You act like you’re 15. It’s pathetic. 

Wow so you also provide absolutely no argument but I’m “bad at this”.

Who cares? *Hopefully* no one on the face of the earth really cares who hosts the golden globes.

Thank you. This guy is full of shit right?

Love this. 

Like a normal human being, and not obsessed with the toxic fandom, concern over the message ricks character is sending to people and is “basically the template for the alt-right”, connecting this somehow to gamergate. These or any number of attempts to make a cartoon a political statement are all stupid and annoying.