
Serial was a dull, boring farce narrated with the dull, smug, self-satisfaction of a person oblivious to how badly her racist-to-the-point-of-sexual fascination and white guilt pandering shone through her shoddy, hole-filled narrative.

Serial did not legitimize modern True Crime as entertainment in any way, unless you were born in 1989. Paradise Lost, The Staircase, Central Park Five. You don’t have to go back to penny dreadfuls to find the genre.

“AV Club didn’t invent terrible articles by people who don’t acknowledge anything existed before 1994. But it did legitimize it”

“Serial didn’t invent true crime, but it did legitimize it

Hey, she’s the one who pitched a hissy fit over the show being renewed because she lost a part. 

While I don’t doubt there are stories, Nicole Cliffe is someone who gained a big following and just sort of points her mob at people, then feigns innocence when they go on the attack. I’ve lost a lot of respect for her over the years.

No it doesn't. 

So has she posted any actual information  or did she just tweet for attention and then never follow it up?

Not defending him but do you have any links/proof of this? Where is this info coming from?

She was never “basically his daughter,” as they never lived together and spent very little time together before she was an adult. I don’t believe Dylan is lying, as false memories are much, much more common than repressed ones, but it’s reasonable to doubt that a world-wide celebrity would, after spending years in the

Whatever I may believe about Woody Allen personally, I’m not going to get mad at someone for believing in Due Process. Innocent Until Proven Guilty is one of the greatest advancements humankind has ever made. It’s one of the true crown jewels of civilization as an endeavor.

Ronan Farrow is just trumpeting the same accusation. So still just 1 accusation

‘faced accusations for decades that he molested his daughter Dylan Farrow when she was a child, with the accusations’


Your dick is hard as fuck over this one isn’t it, Barsanti?

I feel “influencers” should be punished more severely to show how they’re held to a higher standard than other players. 

Famous people shouldn’t get lesser punishments than the rest of us. Nobody wants to play against an aim-botter, whether it’s a pro on a smurf account or not. Frankly, even if he’s telling people not to do this, he’s still sending the message that it’s okay to do it. 

a) he cheated so he should get banned

“Obi-Wan was in his prime when he was Carrie’s age!”

If The Last Jedi was any indication of where they’ve decided to go with the franchise, that whole “galactic conflict” thing will be settled once and for all with a Disney Magic® musical number & light-side vs dark-side dance off.