
It also looks like and feels like a TV production. Say what you want about Age of Ultron, but at least it look and feels cinematic. Joss Whedon definitely grew a lot as a technical filmmaker in the interim. 

Yeah, she’s done. Boomers by and large vote a lot more than her generation, and politicians too often forget that. She just gave the finger to one of the largest voting bases in her district. Enjoy your fifteen minutes and your last term.

I only started reading after the kinjapockalypse but yes for every great article there were at least 10 stupid ones most that were written by people that didn’t understand the sport enough to make the argument they were trying to pull off.

Please take your weird Deadspin obsession elsewhere.

I always found the obsession with having an African-American woman as oddly specific. We have two Egyptian women, an African man, a Haitian man, and a robot made by an African girl. It’s not like we’re lacking in Black representation with about 1 in 6 characters being black, and 14 women means women aren’t left out

Because what we’ve seen of Sojourn, she seems to be a black lady with a semi-automatic rifle of some kind. Ashe is a lady with a semi-auto rifle. Sojourn has been referenced for years, she’s not a new thing they just came up with. Could they have made Ashe black to check that box? Sure i guess? But no one even likes

She is clearly Hispanic in that concept, not black. And they scrapped that concept because it made her look too much like McCree (who also has dark, weathered skin).

Uh, it seems more like they wrote and created a really cool black soldier lady and put her in a very important story position so they wanted to wait to fully introduce her until they do their story focused sequel?

Maybe I’m missing something, but it seems they pretty clearly knew what they meant. I can agree that the category name isn’t clear by itself, but the rules aren’t vague.

Yep, this.

I’ve come to sort of skip this stuff not because it’s disagreeable but because I feel like I’ve already heard every Trump joke. You can only say, he’s an immoral, bigoted blowhard so many times before it ceases to be funny and just becomes dull.

Scorsese has been talking about this issue ever since Lucas and Spielberg created it. This flap over his MCU comments is kind of funny because he’s said similar things for literal decades.

Yeah. Motherfucker shot Buckwheat.

Yeah it is hard to know where to start with why that wasn’t going to happen

No, it’s not like that at all. Marvel is McDonald’s because it’s a world-spanning behemoth that creates consistently decent, consumable product. Marvel doesn’t get to be the multi-billion dollarleviathan and the buzzy little guy at the same time.

He has every right to publicly share his opinions about what he thinks about it as much as you have every right to criticize and disagree with it. Just to Matthew’s correct point as how and why this is so “controversial” and worth so much media coverage? He isn’t the first to say this and wont be the last, as it wont

There is a certain logic to the rule, or else the International Film award would have been dominated 2001-2011 by Harry Potter films…

This is mostly true. I’m a bit torn.

No she fucking isn’t. She’s *barely* a character. And she’s had, what? Like 3, 4 movies to be more than “Whedonesque ‘strong female’ who can do flippy spinny moves, is sort of a villain, and is painted blue.”?

He’s got a point. Not entirely agreeable, but a point nonetheless. As a major Spider-Man fan and a believer of the MCU since its conception, I still find, for example, Peter Parker’s “death” scene in Infinity War to be very emotionally manipulative and devoid of sincerity. Same with a lot of the emotional moments they