pizza and sadness

I think the blind deserve something more tactile.

I WOULD click on 500 Days of Vegan YouTube Drama. I can’t get enough of this shit. WHY what is wrong with me?

what a brave new world that has such people in it

Trailer is awkward and weird. There were more claps for the remastered crash bandicoot games than this.

The fuck did I just watch?

You think that is hard. Imagine the difficulty I had typing this very sentence.

And also fuck misogyny. Margaret Atwood and all.

I fucking hate the way that the “white girl” meme has morphed from a tool for women of color to talk about white women’s complicity in white supremacist systems into a way for people to spew gross misogyny under the guise of calling out racial privilege.

You get Fallout 4! And you get Fallout 4! EVERYBODY gets Fallout 4!

/lays down Bernie Bro trolling keyboard, becomes a Hillary Man

We are so overdue for a plague

This reminds me of Jr. High (fucking miserable) where I was teased relentlessly about being fat. I dropped a ton of weight and then I was ridiculed for my clothes. You can’t fucking win, man.

I’ve taken boys up to age 12 with autism or other developmental disabilities into the women’s restroom (they wouldn’t have been safe unattended). Never had anyone bat an eye.

Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?

Psh. Vengeance and vigilantism are two of MY favorite things. We need to see more of both as far as I am concerned.