pizza and sadness

If wearing longer skirts or otherwise dressing “modestly” had any effect on rape, what she said would not be a problem — it would be an unfortunate reality. But it doesn’t.

Probation and community service. For killing a man. Negligently killing a man. A black man. Tell me again how ALL lives matter.

The jail time for minor property crimes in this country reads like the first few chapters of Les Miserables.

I mean... i guess... at least he was convicted?

When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.

I like knowing who the Piece of Shit of the Day award goes to before 9am; thanks Jez!

Now playing

oh god I was legit obsessed with “At the Beginning” for YEARS after this movie came out.

*raises hand like Hermione in Potions class on Sorcerer’s Stone*

You guys, I can’t deal with the coming loss.

She really thinks that she’s just trying to help :( :(


Off topic, but have you ever seen a person suit the name Kody more than that asshole?

*begins to type. Sighs. Backs away from keyboard*

I do wish that I’d given myself permission to really own the me of me earlier in life.

aw boo hoo hoo. Cry more, honky.

Normally I wouldn’t respond to this but you asked for it so here you go.... she wanted to leave because they made it so that she had to. They didn’t respect her! They sidelined her for a white woman in the second season. It went from being the Abby and Ichabod show to being the Ichabod/Katrina show with a side order

maybe this election is the shit show we need to open our eyes and 2020 will be saner.

Even “honkies” has almost no effect. You really want to make white Americans experience what it feels like to be the victim of a stereotype based purely on the color of their skin, make a shirt with a white cartoon face that says “Racists”.

Can we also put an end to hovering and peeing all over the fucking toilet seat in public ladies rooms? There is nothing worse than walking into a public restroom to find someone else's piss all over the damn seat. You cannot get fucking herpes or AIDS or whatever it is you're afraid of from plopping your ass on the