vegans r so messy
vegans r so messy
so now what? im 20 rn so what does this mean? that i will have to sign up?
How were we spoiled? I dont believe so, it’s just that a lot of us now know that politicians promise things and rarely see them through. I feel people have a genuine reason not to like Hillary. Saying that it is because people are ‘spoiled’ is....condescending. But that’s what ppl have been throwing around this whole…
wtf is everyones problem...its really nbd it’s just something they added in to the game to make it more realistic....god.
i always find the dumbest shit funny....
Listen my brother has autism and goes into the women restroom all the time because we have to go in with him or he will never come ones ever said anything before.
justice..vengeance..rlly doesnt matter to me. Specially for cases like this. What is justice in this situation anyway?
noah fence but what is wrong with vengeance ?
i c
Sorry but I dont trust the police in st louis
Obviously. I just did not want to be rude and say that outright. It probably went down.
I’m just going to do what i do best and assume the worst.
i hate it when stuff like this happens...... how does a plane disappear?
I get it but due to my severe anxiety id never do that
I’m not even holding my breath anymore. He’ll probably somehow get let go. Even if he goes to jail, he’ll get out earlier than expected. I’m p sure the officer who killed Oscar Grant only spent like 1 year in prison.
uh yea..he should be held responsible for killing 3 people
i hope they dont find this place :/
were u born in america or ireland