
And can the actress eat a donut or something?

This also applies to Alan Turing, regardless of how he was portrayed in "The Imitation Game". The only conflict he actually had with his boss, Commander Denniston, was that he wanted to hire more clerks to do decryption than Denniston thought necessary. The movie set up a conflict between them over whether the bombe

Have fun being wrong about literally everything.

Yes, I'm sure most guys hate feminism because someone like me who argues all the time that the patriarchy hurts men too is making a throwaway joke about how stupid dick-measuring contests are.

Yeah, that seems almost as common as that other trope, All Institutions Are Incompetent or Corrupt and Can't Be Relied Upon. And its cousin, The Villain Can Avoid the System With Ease While the Hero is Screwed at Every Juncture.

Actually, there's no bigger sign of western/white privilege than believing that Africa, including rural Africa, is populated by dirt poor, fly-covered "natives" who don't know any better. The true face of poaching is not what you think it is. The facts are out there if you care to learn them rather than digging in

"Few of today's poachers hunt elephants for subsistence; most are commercially driven, heavily armed criminals. In fact, illegal poaching and wildlife trafficking is the fourth largest transnational crime. Ivory—sometimes called "the white gold of jihad"—helps fund the military operations of notorious terrorist

Actually, the ivory trade is funding terrorism and conflict in Africa, so the average face of the ivory poacher isn't the sad starving kid in a UNICEF commercial, but a violent dickhead inflicting genocide on their neighbors because their god has a smaller peepee or whatever.

So what, exactly? Poverty gives no one the right to destroy.

Once again... Cute 3D concept art done by a designer without any input from an engineer. Just read the description. Geezz... Sounds like a fanfic.

god damn it, grandpa, what did we say about spewing shit over the internet?!?

While Van Riper's strategy indeed caught everyone unprepared, and sank the blue assets and validated the threat of asymmetric warfare. However, the Navy didn't exactly decide that he cheated and reset in a fit of pique - They decided to reset because they had everything already on station for a major exercise, and

Yeah, that one. I don't think anyone here is arguing that it was a good thing because it's just about 100% indefensible...


With all due respect, you know damned well there are no historical sites that predate 1776.

Game, set, match to Kat.

You mean the hostage crisis fomented by the US / CIA by removing their DEMOCRATICALLY elected, and very secular and forward thinking Prime Minister, because Iran had the gaul to nationalize their oil fields when they decided BP was basically stealing all the profits and they were remaining poor while BP got rich in

ORLY ...someone get this man a copy of Ethics For the Junior Officer. Oh, wait. I think I still have my hard copy on my bookshelf at my parents' house.... Probably.

I can't argue with that logic.

The parents of the girls have expressed "incredulity" today that Begum's public exchange with Mahmood on Twitter did not send up red-flags for the London authorities to get involved, given all their surveillance of the Arab community.