
You the real MVP

Psssst: “Autopilot” maintains course and airspeed. It doesn’t dodge mountains.

I think you are somewhat confused about vegetarianism

That was a great piece.
Also, this line had me in tears:

“Living hinges”
The person who came up with this bullshit needs a Mjolner blow to the nads.

Dropping your phone onto a pad on your nightstand rather than fumbling in the dark, being able to magnet stick your phone to its holder in the car and have it charge with no further action, etc.

Better question: Would this be any more likely or problematic than the human killings machines that we (in the US) already experience daily?

I mean, if you consider the power needed to carry, say, 50 pounds of groceries, with a say 3' limb and a 4" actuating connection, for a mechanical disadvantage of .11111.
You need a 450 pound capable actuator on that, or divide it up. Say the stroke is 6", doing that in 1 second is about 300 watts. That’s doable, but

The actuator power/size ratios always bothered me on that. Like, even if you assume it has magical energy storage, what the hell are they using as wires? Superconductors?

Which obviously sets off the sci-fi chain reaction of “if this tech exists, why wouldn’t they do ______”

You miss the part where they always bring in Paramedics, professional explosives engineers, and get a closed course to do it on?

I mean, think about how resources are incentivized. A big “bust” like this will net them far more funding and resources than busting up some low level gang with illegal weapons. You can’t measure “potential lives saved”. Especially to congress.

IF you meet the entry qualifications, sure! Arbitrarily denying you access to federal programs would be denying your civil rights.

You realize a handheld slingshot easily blows through a can, as well as a simple paintball gun with slight modification, and any number of easily used projectile things?

I’m too tired to tell if this is poe or you really think there are/need to be tactical “applications” for this.

Unless you don’t get one at all; because you can’t pay out of pocket.

Not to mention, it’s non essential things that get delayed.

I think it really just chaps people’s ass that they can’t purchase a fast pass to get to cut the line, and have to get the same level of service as all the other people they mentally feel

People mix and match discretionary spending versus total spending depending on their viewpoint.

PO, for example, views programs with specific funding mechanisms (like SS) as “government entitlement spending”.

Other people view it, being funded via it’s own mechanism, as a separate category, not just “general govt

Or just get ELWN’s, use the infinity band to use them as long as you want after the original battery is drained

Man, I think selling a product as “gyro stabilized camera platform” and then all that goes out the window if you tilt the stick too hard is not going to fly, pun intended.

They are selling it as a rock steady camera drone, not as a racing drone. The second video goes up of someone shaky camming it, or reviews it as

Here’s the problem. You are viewing this as a problem, while me and others like me view it as a puzzle to be solved.