
Shooting a white guy who defended the honor of a black man (ie a “race traitor” to them, I’m sure) is probably going to make this fuckstick a celebrity in the prison white power gangs. 

Front loading washer.

Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.

for pennies on the dollar of what they paid that 💩-for-brains, i’ll be glad to explain to them, at length, with citations, why they are the problem and the only way for the working class to have justice is to forcibly seize the means of production and put jeff bezos’s head on a spike over the doorway into the

Hire a fire-breathing Marxist and then I’ll believe you have a commitment to “ideological diversity” until then you can take your neo-maxi-zoom-dweebies and shove them up your ass.

You sound nice (also stable and reasonable). If you have a specific point to make how about you educate us on what the hell you’re even talking about (you bitch the writers out about not mentioning any of their wrong doings…and you don’t help right that wrong either)? Just casually calling a woman a bitch isn’t

Pay a fine!?

Seems like an evil strategy to force people into defaulting just to take back the car and fuck someone else.

It varies by type of claim (and sometimes by party), but in most cases courts have jurisdiction to consider and enter injunctive relief to prevent threatened conduct if the likely injury is sufficiently certain/concrete/other magic legal words that vary by state. Generally, the potentially-injured party has standing

This is an author renowned as a dick who has been quoted as saying both “my novels are not fantasy” and “What I have done with my work has irrevocably changed the face of fantasy.” I don’t think he chooses his words as carefully as you think he does.

He knows about word choice, and writing clear, coherent sentences.

Uh, how familiar are you with Goodkind? He’s a legit crazy person.

The irony is that the kids in Stranger Things would only understand Sesame Street as programming dedicated to educating children regardless of their socioeconomic background, not a skit factory exclusively for the amusement of aging dumb hipsters inexplicably possessed of enough disposable income that they still pay

I know the target market is urban geeks, but seriously, fuck any toolbox that comes with plastic hinges.

This film, like the Armenian Genocide, is something the Turkish government denies.

You sound more like a brand apologist than the most diehard apple fanboys.

I bought one of these, but they can’t ship it to me until they find a UPS driver who is worthy enough to lift it onto their truck.

literally adam and steve. that’s rad.

The thing is, though, that I’ve literally never seen the “you must take care of your father” version, and I’ve only seen the “you must take care of your brother” version when the brother in question is the younger one.

In nations that use Kilometers as their distance measurement (ie: most of the nations), what quantifier do you use? In the states we use "mileage" as in "what's the mileage on that PT Cruiser you're abandoning on the side of the road?". Is it 'kilometerage?' Does mileage transfer over? I need to know.