
FFS, fiber reinforced plastic is already standard tech in industry.

Ducks. Thousands of ducks.

Can we say it again? House arrest for people who have large networks of followers is absolutely stupid.

Is it weird that my first thought was “I wonder if this horn would strap onto my bicycle frame”?

Also good to mention: DbA is a log scale. So “just ten” less than a shotgun blast is orders of magnitude.

I’m sure the implied racial satire would go over excellently.

>This was a way to exercise necessary lethal force without putting any additional lives in danger.
This is the problem. If exercising lethal force requires lives to be in danger, you run a risk/reward approach. As soon as exercising lethal force becomes the zero risk option, it logically becomes the most attractive

Air pop, and then toss mini-semi sweet chocolate chips on the popcorn while it’s hot.


You can get antique cast iron for 30 bucks or less as long as you are willing to take some sandpaper to it and clean it up, and then re season it.

But they forgot the singing frog.

Epic Sax Guy on loop.

Yeah, now I’m tempted to follow up comment on some of these.

>1000000x responses from people who neither read the patent nor seem to understand how IR even works
Where the hell am I?

Again, if someone sets up a NO RECORD IR emitter. It doesn’t just do it at random.

Uh, only if you decided to set up a “no record” IR emitter. It’s not like it’s detecting a concert with AI and then blocking it.

Man, they are only going to be “happy” until they realize how hard they have fucked themselves. It’s like being “happy” for Texas for seceding. They voted for a world of economic hurt for themselves because they wanted to stick it to all those eggheads telling them what a bad idea it was. They’re the bloke who gets

Arguably, if you make a design decision on a product, and then that same product is linked to a huge uptick in accidents over comparative products, most of which are attributed by the victims to that specific design choice, you make the mistake.

.... and hydrogen has an energy density of 142 MJ/kg.

The source of electricity is not the point of this testbed, or even worth focusing on with this.

We have drop in range extenders that produce electricty from every possible fuel. We have supercapacitors. We have various battery chemistries.

All the various

Counterpoint: The efficiency of well tuned range extenders.

The hybrid concept has proven to be incredibly efficient compared to straight propulsion. Obviously, in cars, some of that is in optimizing the start/stop and regenerative braking. But range extender generation technology is very mature. The results of this