
Aging does things to people. Some old people get really angry, reactionary, and bitter, rather than mellowing.

How did China come into this?

A similar mechanism is used to grind powders, if I’m not mistaken.

Oh boy, we get to watch this case fade from public awareness, charges watered down, interest in prosecution wane, and the whole thing muffled into a whimper instead of an outrage.

Lin-Manuel is leaving the show imminently to do other things. So, the show is not going to be in it’s original form ever again.

Psssst. A bootleg is floating around the torrent web.

One day you will realize that the vehicle is powered by NOT tiny explosions, and carries a huge quantity of fuel capable of exploding when atomized. This “explosion” is just rapid exothermic decomposition. It’s no more special than a cigarette, gasoline, or any other process.

EDIT: Misremembered the combustion of the compound in question.

Never mind


Consider the even more repugnant alternative, if he’s not completely broken in critical thinking: He’s willing to pass legislation stripping people’s bodily autonomy in order to win votes.

As was said when the google glass came out, we ended up in the shittiest possible version of the dystopian cyberpunk future that was predicted.


Hate reading is a thing. Although I mostly get linked to the things I hate read through posts like this and Fark, and thus am tempered by the MST3000 type commentary that makes it survivable.

That drove me nuts. That’s like relying on the water pressure of static water. Or the weight of a rock sitting on a pedestal.

My man, though, you want to say “FUCK FLIES” You put a mature pot of Binatas over there.

Also good for hoovering up fruit flies that are bothering your onion/garlic basket.

Wow, this headline makes it seem like it was a big deal, then it wasn’t.

“We don’t link to trash sources like Drudge Report, we find a better source.”

“What’s relevant news reflects the internal biases of the curators, who generally are not hill people from flyover country.”

“We push major news stories that are being

It’s not “erasing history” you mook it’s not going out of your way to honor and celebrate shitty parts of it. There’s a difference. Confederate fanboys and people such as yourself can’t seem to tell the difference.

Holy crap. So are you like, a nudist? Or forever in cotton jeans and a tshirt?

Ripping off a GREAT Fark comment: