
“I’m writing to UPS because my next day package was not picked up and I am extremely dissatified.”

“Sweet, my package arrived!”

It’s cute he thinks he is in charge of Cupertino.

Chimp was prescribed xanax to calm him down after violent outbursts before.

Dude, I HOPE this is real. I await this pop up mine detonating in his face with mounting glee.

That could be fun just for the entertainment value.

That’s because every middle class 50 year old has one, and it’s nice to be able to zero in on your car in the parking lot without the fob.


So basically , a carbon copy of the A-10, with upgraded avionics.

This has basically every characteristic the Air Force resents and is trying to get rid of the A-10 for. They want flying ferraris to lob million dollar missiles from miles away then go home. Not get in the dirt with the plebs on the ground.

New transplant to Nashville telling that critic to get bent and letting her know I am doing everything to Yankee-fy it all to hell.

PS I wouldn’t ever put “pretension” and “country” in the same sentence, but the first band I heard on the radio here was the Shins. Come On.

Get over your country pretension.

I mean, I bought my townhouse in Wilmington, NC for about 130K new, 2 or 3 years ago. It’s worth maybe 150 now, is being rented for 1000/month, and I could easily get 1400/month; the whole reason I bought was because rents in the area were higher than a mortgage payment. *shrug*

It even says you need to do a “shitload” of DD, talk to neighbors, explore the area, etc etc.

Eric, you really need to better emphasize like they did how this is a tool for selecting an investment rental property, the emphasis on repairs and overhead, and the like before the comments are overwhelmed by people who didn’t click through and want to tell you why it’s bs for their house/market/circumstances.

If you read the article, it’s about the price paid + upkeep and repairs, and it’s just a sorting tool for deciding on purchasing an investment property. If the people who own your place paid cash for it, and are willing to get their money back in 22 years time, and only then start making money, they are not good real

Looks like Borosilicate is still available, though.

Looks like Borosilicate is still available, though.

What I hate is the implication that there is such a thing as “vibration energy” and it’s somehow different than any other energy.

“It can absorb and reflect vibrations!”

“Ok, so, it’s impervious to mechanical force, heat, impact? How did you make it? How do you “reflect” molecular vibration? Why isn’t it absolute zero?

Reading on it seems the vast majority are taking them cold out of the fridge and nuking them in the microwave, or dumping hot liquid into them. A concave, tempered glass dome is going to grenade under those circumstances. The geometry is already such that stresses created from uneven thermal expansion are going to be a

Reading on it seems the vast majority are taking them cold out of the fridge and nuking them in the microwave, or

For a follow up, consider your 1500W hairdryer is using/putting out the same energy as this 14 pound, 42cc chainsaw. 1500W is about 2.01 mechanical HP.

Heat is one of those things we sort of take for granted from an energy standpoint, because most people don’t quantify it on a regular basis like electricity.

I’m in

So I had major insomnia last night and designed a better one, with a good control scheme. I just don’t have the funding, the time to take off from grad school and work, or the machine shop to build it. It’s quite depressing.

But he already said he doesn’t recognize anything other than mosaic law. Where does the constitution enter in?

Cops have an elevated situational awareness as a matter of job description