Incorrect. The biggest and worst motorcycles are called Harleys.
Incorrect. The biggest and worst motorcycles are called Harleys.
an R8 Avant? Where do I sign?
You call it attempted murder, I see it as assisted suicide.
it has to be RICH Corinthian Leather
That thing was a turd. I liked the concept but Nissan didn’t spend enough time developing it before they started racing it. They set an unrealistic goal to get it on track too soon. Also one of their supply partners screwed them over with a hybrid system that did not work. It ended up being a boondoggle.
I’m in Altamonte. Did you fear for your life as you rolled thru Orlando on I-4? I hate that fucking road. 429 is a good way to avoid downtown and has some good areas where your car can stretch its legs, if you know what i’m sayin’.
That’s where I’m at.
Pretty sure it was a Lambo, dude.
As the owner of a 986S, I wholeheartedly agree. The sound of the intake, the exhaust, and the mechanical sound of the flat 6 all combine to make a beautiful noise.
I hear what our saying, but I wouldn’t worry about killing the transmission. The 01E 6-speed can take more than that. My 01.5 S4 has over 500hp and other than a bad synchro it has been just fine. She has 127k miles on her so the synchro may be milage related, or not...
That’s like saying herpes is better than hepatitis c. They both suck, one just sucks less than the other.
Brawndo has electrolytes and it’s what plants crave.
I didn’t see where you mentioned the thrust washers. If you didn’t replace them you probably should have while you were in there and you might want to go back in and do it sooner rather than later. When they get too bad the crankshaft can slide forward enough that the clutch won’t work correctly. The 1500's are…
LOL. And there it is. Only took 18 minutes.
The investors don’t care about innovation or the products. All they care about is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. If Musk isn’t careful he’s gonna lose control of “his” company. The investors vultures just want that cash.
Ok. Now it all makes sense. I guess either the RS7 or the S8 would be the Audi equal to the Panamara even though they are on different platforms, MSB (Panamara) vs. MLB (Audi 7 & 8 variants)
Gotcha. But there’s still a little confusion. The top of the line lux Audi wagon is the RS6, which costs over $100k but we can’t get it here. The Q7 is the top of the line SUV and Porsche’s equal is the Cayenne, they’re really the same truck just with each brand’s spin on things.
Audi can’t manage a proper wagon? Really? What is it that you think is wrong with the Audi wagons (Avants)? I ask this not being a dick, I am genuinely curious what you think is wrong with them, because in my opinion they are damn near perfect.