
I expected it to have the Honda K-series engine hiding under the bonnet. $90k and all it got was a bump from a 998/1098 to a 1275 A-series? Thats just dumb.

Preach it brother!

Oh. The tarted up Monte Carlo? Sure the GN guys would have a circle jerk over them but the girls/women didn’t give a shit about them.

Fact: owning a Buick hasn’t gotten anyone laid since 1987 1967.

He’s probably a Holley guy and can’t wrap his brain around how a variable Venturi SU carb works. Maybe in his mind having an oil filled damper makes it hydraulic? Methinks the good doctor is full of poop.

What. The. Fuck...

Put down your crack pipe and GTFO

They can stay the hell away from RA. Being brought up to FIA level 1 standards will ruin the place.

I know your pain Mr. Fancypants Fiat Owner.

Its an S4.

The real beauty shows up at the 30 second mark

So it would look like turn one in just about every Forza Motorsport online race?

So you got the fun car and he got the German Camry. Good for you!

I’m sorry for your loss.

likes cars and Arsenal...my God, I have found my unicorn

That thing looks an awful lot like a Prelude

The Ferrari also gained a whole lot of speed that wasn’t shown earlier.

You must be referring to the 4-spoke steering wheel. I hate the 4-spoke wheels even though they have been used since forever. The 3-spoke was an option on the 996/986s. I prefer that 3-spoke to the new ones. Its clean, simple, has no control buttons of any type, and the grip is damn near perfect.

The Postal Service is unionized as well.