
It might seem like splitting hairs, but using “taxpayer money” instead of “public money” is a dog whistle; it furthers the narrative that whoever pays more in taxes “deserves” a bigger voice in government, when one’s income has much more to do with the environment one was born into.

I got in early because of a mediaite article of all things, and Chapo has basically radicalized me. I now have a subscription to Jacobin. I’ve always have arguments with capitalism, but now I’m reading Capital.

It’s lame for sure, but maybe the last Democratic primary would’ve done this anyway, but I started down the

It was a Game of Thrones reference to establishment liberal pricks that includes everyone in the center you moron

is there a funnier 2016 election joke in the world than “I may not be Dale Earnhardt but I smashed into the wall because I failed to turn left”

Oh dear god please no. He’ll try so hard to convince them he’s a “reasonable” liberal, end up agreeing with basically everything they say because he’s not used to getting challenged from the left with valid arguments, end up with some bullshit “See we’re all on the same side here, we just disagree on minor details!”

Given Zaza Pachulia’s (lack of) coordination, if he was actually trying to injure Kawhi Leonard he would have probably tripped over himself and decapitated a fan in the second row.

My dude, Obama was a once-a-century charismatic talent and he still oversaw the loss of 900+ state legislature seats to the GOP in his tenure

I don’t think you understand the role of the DNC Chair, which is to fundraise and organize, two things that Ellison is empirically better at than Perez, who has worked 1 country level election.

Look, I don’t really want to get into the details of the Booker thing with Pharma but I’ll say this, bc you seem to be misinformed:

Thank you. This was a weird post, and strikes me as very not necessary in the current political climate. I’m marching out there in all kinds of solidarity protests because there is an actual rise of fascism in the U.S. - I’m not super keen on hearing that fellow feminists are willing to snub those working hard to

I honestly don’t get the Bernie hate on this site. It’s like he solely is to blame for Hillary’s defeat. Not the voters. Just him.

Leaving aside the mental gymnastics of the voter who pulled the lever for Obama (twice!) and then opted for Trump over Hillary, there were a SURPRISING number of people who did this! Polling suggested that a large % of these people would have voted Bernie over Trump. If Bernie still holds some cachet with those people

A lot the democratic party is moderate and not progressive. If democratic voters watch Bernie vs. Ted, then they might move to a more progressive position/way of thinking which is a good thing.
Also, Sanders has been protesting and speaking on behalf of marginalised communities for his whole political career. It’s

Bernie: “All people in America should have affordable healthcare!”

Oh jesus christ, of all places, can you guys not rag on Bernie like he was the bad guy in any of this? The age of being anti-Bernie Bro is well past us. Perhaps if everybody wasn’t so anti in the first place we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess of an administration right now.

I don’t understand your point. If you hate Bernie Sanders, fine, but just say that? The Dems appointed him “outreach chair” so he is, effectively doing that. Going on national television to try to convince people why OCare is worth saving is, not a bad thing.

You’re suggesting a Blue Dog Democrat would be better suited to this pointless endeavor? As long as CNN’s doing it, I’ll take a firebrand lefty like Bernie and let the Blue Dogs continue withering in their path to extinction.

Burn the entire fucking Democratic Party to the ground so we can start over.

Had to look it up but turns out that you’re using some pretty racist terminology there. I guess that’s Trump’s America though.

How can you say he’s in no one’s pocket when he’s accepting pharmaceutical money and rejecting bills that increase competition and lower drug prices?