
No one has ever actually answered this question in a straight-forward way; if Sanders lost the primary, by a significant amount, how exactly is he going to do better in the general??

That’s exactly what a unity ticket does: unite.

That’s exactly who he was drawing. A unity ticket was the Dems only hope for the inevitable Whitelash that was coming. This was the Boomers final bed-shitting, and we didn’t even bring a bedpan.

3) Democrats for not putting Bernie on the ticket.

This is an especially idiotic hot taek.

If Sanders had won the primary (and I won’t rehash whether or not the primaries were fairly contested), there is zero doubt he would have a 15-point lead right now and win over 400 electoral votes. I would have donated every spare penny I had to him. Alas.

I haven’t been on twitter in some time but @Mobute and @Bro_Pair are good. Is @WettButt still funny?

I don’t think hes saying anything wrong here, other than criticizing the president...

I dont think this is what she was saying at all. She’s trying to point out that the FDA is bought and sold by the prescription drug companies, which is true, which put a premium on needless medication and (yes, as much as it pains me to say it) vaccines. Instead every news organization paints her as an anti-vax

As an example... Merck's Miracle vaccine Gardasil.

“(There are not.)" Bull. If you know ANYTHING about how Big Pharma operates on the production side, you would know that there are serious questions about the quality of each and every one of their products. Go Google "CGMP Violations" and get educated.