this dude almost broke his teammates knee two months ago and regularly blows 3 or 4 layups a game. its reckless but hes a clumsy big man.
this dude almost broke his teammates knee two months ago and regularly blows 3 or 4 layups a game. its reckless but hes a clumsy big man.
I’m sorry I have no idea what you are saying. You seem to be picking and choosing what you want to agree with and disagree with. The whole point of the amendment was to stop the house reconciliation vote - what do you not understand?
Look, I don’t really want to get into the details of the Booker thing with Pharma but I’ll say this, bc you seem to be misinformed:
I don’t understand your point. If you hate Bernie Sanders, fine, but just say that? The Dems appointed him “outreach chair” so he is, effectively doing that. Going on national television to try to convince people why OCare is worth saving is, not a bad thing.
I’m sorry but Booker’s response is PR bullshit. The drug manufacturers ship them to America and they ship them to Canada. They are literally the same. There is no safety concern - this line is used to obfuscate the issue and make it seem more complicated than just denying people cheaper medicine because you took…
there is a quick fix to this “conundrum” - rape should have to have an affirmative defense, you have to prove consent. this shifts the burden of proof to the defendant, similar to self defense claims. You cannot just claim self defense, you must actively prove it. I believe in some states this is already the case with…
The FDA has a revolving door with pharmaceutical companies. This is not a conspiracy theory, its pretty common knowledge. The FDA routinely averts its eyes and fails to actually regulate drug companies leading to misinformation and the proliferation of useless drugs. Here’s a good example:…
When did I say anywhere that I have a problem with vaccines? I’m trying to give larger context to her comments, in the hopes of having a helpful discussion.
? literally what are you talking about
i didn’t say needless vaccines I said needless medications. I’m not anti-vax or a crazy by any means. just trying to play devils advocate a bit here, because I don’t think that her views are being painted fairly.
I don’t think hes saying anything wrong here, other than criticizing the president...
I dont think this is what she was saying at all. She’s trying to point out that the FDA is bought and sold by the prescription drug companies, which is true, which put a premium on needless medication and (yes, as much as it pains me to say it) vaccines. Instead every news organization paints her as an anti-vax…