You and the other 12 watching seem to be really enjoying it!
You and the other 12 watching seem to be really enjoying it!
Considering the Chargers first home game had 25,000 fans, far more than the 8000 that attended the highest selling Sparks home game during the playoffs, I’m going to go with the Chargers.
Don’t be such a bigot. She felt she was born with the wrong skin tone so she changed it to the skin tone she felt is what is truly natural to her. She is happier with how she presents herself now than she was before, and feels more comfortable being who she is. How is that any different than a trans person changing…
The fact that women’s tennis was the only sport whose average age decreased of a 10 year period doesn’t actually mean anything in terms of future revenue. Now if that trend continues, you may be onto something, but right now it doesn’t translate to much of anything.
I’m all for them getting paid equally or more than men if they bring in more income. Unfortunately they don’t. That’s just the reality of it.
Point out my misogyny then. The fact that the most talented women athletes on the planet are on par with high school boys is verifiable.
Obvious misogyny? On what grounds? Because we’re talking about women’s tournaments vs women’s stating the fact that the men’s tournaments earn more than women’s events is tournaments? Bulllllllllshit!
The US Open is one tournament. It’s played in the US with two America tennis stars being top seeds vs no competitive…
Championship games might have been higher rated, but what about playoffs and regular season attendance and viewership? Funny how you just pointed out championship games. I thought I was supposed to be the cherry picker... hmm. Considering the new TV deal for the NCAA was signed after the rule change restricting…
Let’s be realistic here. World class women athletes perform about as well as high school boys at state championships. Look at track and field, swimming, look at long distance running, look at team sports when national womens teams play boys teams. There’s countless examples.
So if a hockey fan thinks “I can go watch…
You’d be wrong about that.
According to this, the ATP makes about 50% more than the WTA.
“do people that do generally the same job get paid more if they’ve been there longer? I’m guessing yes.”
Not if they get paid on commission. As my friend puts it, he “eats what he kills”. His years of experience don’t fluff up his income. He gets a percentage of the money he brings in from pay period to pay period.…
The men are still applying the topspin/backspin, and are in fact applying it better. They have all the same nuances and strategy, it’s just done at a much faster pace because the skill level is higher.
The mere point that you’re alleging that women’s sports aren’t as popular as men’s sports is because of sexism is totally laughable.
lol women’s tennis is not one of the fastest growing sport in the world. Men’s tennis alone has grown by over twice as much in terms of revenue in the last 10 years. If women’s tennis is “growing quickly” is because the base line from where it’s growing was so small.
No, I get your point entirely. It’s just that it’s wrong. College football and basketball wasn’t nearly as popular before they instituted rules that prevented players from going directly to pro leagues from high school. In those sports you’re literally watching the best of the world at that age, it’s a little bit of…
Uhh... have you looked at the world of sports? With the exception of maybe college football and basketball (where they get paid nothing, but are still the best of their age group, with many of the players actually good enough to play in the NFL but can’t) no one really does watch below the highest level of sports. And…
Ohh, I was referring to the “draw more revenue bit”. I don’t care how many sets they play, but let’s not pretend that the quality of the play of top women rivals the quality of play of the top men. It doesn’t even come close. And frankly, if quality of play doesn’t matter to you, why don’t we pay college kids that…
Not an assumption at all. Check out the attendance and ratings yourselves outside of grand slams where men and women are paid equally.
It has to do with entertainment factor. Less people are willing to watch and pay to attend women’s tennis matches. The level of competition just isn’t as good.