
To all those who pour their blood, sweat, and tears into making masterpieces of interactive media... Thank you.

You don’t get the respect, the pay, or the credentials that you deserve. The least I can do is take a minute out my day and make sure you understand that your passion is not lost. We love you and the work

This. Alanis, I get from the 47 articles you’ve already posted on the subject, that you don’t like grid girls, or any woman making money from her looks.

So fed up with every fucking article from Alanis always judging what is correct or not regarding women and motorsport.

Your reasoned and insightful response is sure to be wasted, unfortunately.

It’s a problem when women are not receiving equal pay for equal work. Likewise, it’s a problem when women are being denied access to higher paying positions on the basis of sex, either intentionally or unintentionally/negligently due to stronger intra-office relationships between male superiors and their subordinates

It’s illegal in the UK for people performing the same work to be paid differently. As a result, pay gaps like the one at Rockstar North are more an indication of how few women work in the higher echelons of the company.

Thank god for muscle memory

If you discriminate against someone because of their race, that is racial discrimination.

I hate this take, but... those are discriminatory in nature. If she can provide specific examples, she may have a case.

I am a Civil Engineer and I work in infrastructure. Until the full investigation is complete, PLEASE refrain from passing judgement on the techniques and processes used to construct this bridge. The process used to build this bridge is likely not at fault. ABC has been used many, many times to great success across the

You’re an idiot? You didn’t read my reply?

Not good enough. You know someone is racist when they starting talking percentages and statistics. Why don’t you go clean out your ovens, Hitler?

So has he just not looked at the demographics of the Summer Olympics team or is representation just code for less whites? Because my informal look at 2016 Summer Team gives you about 30% visible minorities (which would exclude white hispanics because I wasn’t willing to look at the names and guess). 30% aligns with

It’s unsurprising that a Deadspin writer would overlook that play.

This is the adult version of joining every club and doing nothing so you can be 50 year book photos.

“I didn’t qualify for finals so I’m really disappointed”

If she had owned the fact she was exploiting a loophole I’d be celebrating her like a champion. What is disappointing is she appears to be trying to sell the narrative she’s actually an Olympic caliber athlete. Scrolling through her social media you would have no idea the finishes she’s celebrating are often last

Good post. This guy’s a whiner about everything white and/or not black, and/or not a puritanically pure liberal view.

The idea that a human brain thought: wow, this guy thinks racism is bad? White people are so fragile. Oh shit, he thought that was bad too? Well, point proven.

Nothing in my post even slightly implies that you might not be white?