
It’s like they’re two completely different disciplines and we’re not trying to equate the two!

Stop mansplaining! Racist!

Of course it should.

Less people pay to watch the women play than the men. Women’s tennis has lower viewship and attendance levels, because the quality of tennis isn’t as good. 3 sets or 5 sets, doesn’t matter. The quality of the tennis doesn’t match the men’s game.

She couldn’t beat a man in the top 200 on the ATP. We know this because she tried, and got her ass handed to her.

That’s the way the mindset works. You’re either 100% fighting for everything tooth and nail, or you deserve to be shit on for not doing enough.

Have you considered that perhaps the women get paid less than the men is because less people pay to watch the women play vs what they pay to watch the me play.

I mean it would be sexist to pay women more when they earn less, wouldn’t it?


I don’t know what they’re paying you for this article, but I assure you it’s too much.

There’s a world of difference between having a car or two in your drive way, and having four cars in your driveway, 6 in the garage, 14 on your front lawn, and 45 on your back lawn.

Perhaps you should consider that.

Let’s create racism where there is none! YAYYYYY!!!!

When they have 2 year olds and people frown when your kid says “Daddy, I need to shit”, as much as it makes me smile

They won’t. You know they won’t. Stop pretending like they might.

And here he is with a roster full of black men which he likely has no problem with. But hey, let’s just pretend it’s racism because we have nothing better to write about!

Actual statistics supporting that most women in North America actually don’t have much of a reason to be afraid are the reasons behind that. Just try reading the sources from the fear mongering websites you undoubtedly visit regularly (if they even have them) and make your own conclusions about the data.

Perhaps if you’re yelling at strangers through a computer screen, and acting all tought and angsty, but quiver at the thought at picking up a couple things at the local convenience store, it may be apparent you have mental issues.

If you’re afraid to go into a corner store, you need counseling.

Your brain works in strange ways.

what on earth are you talking about with games 27 and up? Is there a story I missed along the way?

Irrational misery? Sure man. I’ve been through trying to pre-order an NES Classic. I’ve been through trying to find one after release, and now I’ve been through trying to pre-order an SNES.

I too once thought that eventually I’d be able to walk into a Best Buy or a Walmart and pick one up off the shelf on a whim. Now