
I love how naively confident you are.

But all of this, and I mean pretty of the ire that Nintendo has endured from this fuck up could have been quelled by Nintendo stating “We will continue to produce the NES Classic and SNES Classic as long as it sells”, and including that in the SNES Classic production line rotation from the get-go, and shipping them

I have one. I play it regularly with my brother. It’s a good faith reproduction. Some games haven’t aged well, but others get me right in the feels.

Unless you do again. Then what?

Nintendo makes non-sensical decisions all the time.

Counter point: Super NES Classic. They have more of those things ready for launch than they made NES Classics total. No one put a gun to their head and forced them to make the SNES Classic in 2017. No one forced them to announce that the NES Classic wasn’t going to me manufactured any more.

They could have easily

Then explain how they figured out a way to produce more SNES Classics for launch than they did NES Classics over their entire production run.

Yeah, no. This is a horseshit attitude. Its a huge reason while the percentage of people who call themselves feminists is actually dropping world wide. Because the face of feminism now isn’t about equality, it’s about dealing with women’s issues. If you want equality, you need to treat both sexes equally, and that

Here’s the problem with your comment. You’re assuming that sexism is the driving force behind them explaining things to you they already know. Maybe they are terrible listeners. Maybe they do this to everyone. Maybe he was being intentionally dense because he’s attracted to you and is coming up with shit reasons to

Using your own logic to discredit Leonard French then the only reason you have your opinion on which side of the law this falls on is that you are (or at least pretending to be) a lawyer yourself.

You’re a fucking joke.

No man, you should just let the ship go down, and your job with it. It’s the right thing to do to stop “mansplaining” in the work place.

Maybe you’re just not very good at your job, and are taking your colleagues attempts at helping you improve as “mansplaining”.

And yet here it is on a special interest blog.


Some women literally believe that men have no right to express an opinion that contradicts a woman. That’s what I get the more I read up on mansplaining. It doesn’t matter how objectively incorrect the woman might be, if a man corrects her, it’s “mansplaining”.

You’re assuming Andre’s gender. Don’t be such a transphobe.

Pretty simple.

Make sure anyone who says a sexist phrase such as “mansplaining” to describe the actions of peers gets written up for blatant sexism in the work place.

I would argue that a 30-40 million install base is “pathetically small”, while Wii U levels is “should we even make another console?”

It’s probably because, like Sony, MS realized that physical sales of movies are lower than ever, and the vast majority people are getting their 4K video via digital distribution, not discs. The PS4 Pro doesn’t play 4K blurays because most of the people buying it would never use it.

Not sure if it’s a typo, but the Vita sold 16 million worldwide. Still a massive failure.

The N64 was a hit? On what grounds? The Xbox? The Xbox was selling against the PS2 and Gamecube, not the N64. Not that it really matters because the Xbox wasn’t a hit either. Nintendo only sold 32 million N64s world wide - 16 million less than the Super Nintendo before it.

Let me put it to you this way. If the bottom