
I didn’t say I had studies. I personally know these people. I am related to these people. It’s my anecdote but hey, it’s just one example, and it means I’m not talking out of my ass.

And who said anything about being a conservative party member? You called me a conservative. That’s also label for people who “believe

How in the fuck can i provide with evidence that people are doing this without outing them? Seriously. What am I supposed to do? Post a picture of them on their new iPhone, and a fucking interview with their kid where they complain they didn’t get any breakfast? Or a picture of a bank statement from them or some other

The guy whose up to the task of taking on role of being more responsible for the outcome of the game than any other team member.

You asked me for evidence of people who do this. That obviously involves publicly shaming them.

P.S. That’s the first time in my life I’ve ever been called a conservative. I’ve been called a “libtard” plenty though

Ohh yes, because the solution to this is to publicly shame people that make poor life choices. That makes sense.

Perhaps he was referring to the personality of the kid’s idol, Kimi Raikkonen.

Quick question: Have you ever met a poor person that was poor for 30 years that would be considered “great with money”? Because I can pretty much guarantee you you haven’t. People that are great with money tend to be poor very temporarily, if at all.

I don’t think you understand. There are people have the choice between feeding their children three times a day, and getting a new iPhone, and choose the iPhone.

What’s the point in increasing your viewership if it hasn’t reached a level that’s going to prevent your league from folding in six months? Sustainability is directly tied to getting viewers, since increased viewership will lead to bigger, more lucrative sponsorship and advertisement revenues, as well as an increase

To be honest? I don’t think they can. If anything, since many of the players in these women’s leagues are now demanding “fairer salaries” from leagues that are losing money, it might be more difficult for these leagues to be sustainable in the future.

College sports are a bit different because for many of the most popular NCAA sports, they have agreements with the pro leagues that prevents players from 18-20 from playing in the pro leagues. That artifically inflates the skill of these sports where they’re actually closer to the pro leagues than they should be.

I don’t think you understand. The fact that they lose to boys isn’t the problem. The fact that the best female athletes in the world have a skill level that is lower than boys that aren’t even the top 10% of athletes in their age group is the problem. The loss to boys just indicates the skill level. The appeal to

Well I’m giving you reasons, and your response is essentially “well that’s just your opinion”, and you’re being super dismissive. I’m sorry you don’t like the idea that people don’t like to pay money and spend their free time watching lower skilled athletes participating in sports.

But there isn’t enough people interested in watching WNBA. It loses millions of dollars a year. It is propped up by the NBA. If the NBA pulled its support, the WNBA would shutter almost immediately

Well by the same extension then, why aren’t we trying to get say, Wyoming’s High School hockey league salaries, national broadcasting rights, and sponsorship deals? They’re all a bunch of boys playing other boys at the same skill level. How come that doesn’t get asses in seats? How come thousands of people wouldn’t

I’m not even American. It’s totally plausible that the high school I went to far outstrips anything you attended in terms of performance. But since you’re the kind of arrogant fuck that brings up shit like this to strangers on the internet, it’s far more likely that not only did you attend a shitty public school, but

I think you not nearly as clever as you think you are.

But see that’s the problem. They’re really not talented athletes. Let’s pretend that overnight gender-based sports division are eliminated, and women are fully eligible to compete against anyone based on their own skill and merit. There would be precisely as many women in the NBA, MLB, NHL, NFL, and MLS: zero. There

Their current plan seems to be pretending they’re actually financially successful and trying to shame people who aren’t interested into feeling they’re sexist.

Because, lets face it, Jezebel only cares about the WNBA when it gives them reasons to hate men just a little bit more. I bet you 99% of regular Jezebel readers that live in WNBA team cities have never been to a game, and would have zero interest in going unless it was under the guise of some sort of pseudo-armchair