But see the thing is, when the skill level is the same as high school boys teams, it just isn’t very interesting. Women’s sports in general don’t have a huge following because the skill just isn’t there.
But see the thing is, when the skill level is the same as high school boys teams, it just isn’t very interesting. Women’s sports in general don’t have a huge following because the skill just isn’t there.
All you’re doing then is giving current NBA players a weak player on the court to exploit. Congrats, all you’ve done is got a whole bunch of women posterized a few dozen times a game.
I think you fail to understand the skill gap. The top women in the WNBA probably wouldn’t be starters on a D-League team, much less an…
His voice is attached to so many great memories, I can’t help but love listening to his commentary no matter how... behind it may be.
I don’t even think it has anything to do with the gender of the sports fans. The skill level in Women’s sports just isn’t there. When the World Cup winning Women’s Nation Team loses to a bunch of high school boys who are filled with players that will almost definitely never earn a dime playing sports in their entire…
Please leave your sexist attitudes out of the comments section. You’re part of the problem.
Because women’s sports across pretty much all disciplines is equivalent in skill to high school boys teams, and no one wants to pay money to watch that level of skill.
It’s pretty simple.
Go back watch some Wayne Gretzky highlight reels note how many of those goals would be absolutely embarassing to…
Bob Cole is a saint. An aging, tired saint. Why has he not retired. As much as I love hearing his voice on the play by play his best years are long past.
Undoubtedly. It doesn’t make Nintendo any less of a cock stain though.
Nintendo has a lockout feature that disables the Nintendo Switch from entering docked mode unless you use a certified Nintendo dock.
Nintendo has built in a lockout feature that only allows the switch to docked mode via a licenced Nintendo dock, so no.
Every single one of these prices you listed is the upper eschelon of pricing in all of those categories. There is a 0% chance this dock costs Nintendo more than $15 to ship and manufacture. There is absolutely no reason this should cost more than $30-$40
Here’s a generic version (With a built in ethernet port, and an…
Well it’s a multi-faceted issue. You have you make your country compelling to live in so that rich people want to live in it and pay what they consider to be a fair amount of taxes, and pay their fair share. It’s a balancing point, really. Rich people aren’t going to leave the country if they feel it’s worth it to…
Not sure what your point is? Of course the poor don’t have tax havens. My point was, taxing the rich at a rate that they believe is unfair just causes the rich to take their money elsewhere.
You can unfairly tax the poor because they can’t afford to get out of it, but unfairly taxing the rich is just a temporary…
Well unfortunately you can’t force other countries to tax their citizens the way you would prefer them to. If your ability to create a functioning nation requires other nations to “play nice” then that’s your own problem. If someone would rather not live in your country than pay your taxes, then that’s their right.…
Do you realize how silly you sound? You’re talking about a slightly higher standard of living threshold (as in an extra few thousand a year) as an argument against why multi-millionaires aren’t moving to save millions in personal income taxes.
Do yourself a favor. Just google the phrase “tax exile”, and save yourself…
It never occurred to me, because it is common knowledge that this the main reason why they do it. They are open and honest about it, because there’s nothing illegal about doing so. In the late 60's/early the income tax rate for the highest was around 95% in England. Sir Jackie Stewart (famous Formula One driver) made…
Funny, idiotic logic? Do you realize how many of the wealthy people who live in those Skandanavian countries don’t actually pay much, if any taxes in those countries? Do you realize how many of them that have their businesses headquartered, and/or their income safely stowed away in the Cayman Islands, or Switzerland,…
You’d be surprised what some people are unwilling to sacrifice regardless of their financial situation.
All that thought does is cause the rich people to move to somewhere that will allow them to keep more of their money. My incredibly wealthy uncle just moved the base of operations of his businesses to an entirely different country to avoid a 10% tax increase. Now the local government gets 0% of his businesses taxable…