
I know I’m going to regret asking, but how is a woman “fearing through her safety” because of a man “bolstered through patriarchy”?

Nope. I forgot how to white.

I didn’t actally. I remembered to not be white today! Race is a social construct, after all.

That just improves her likelihood of a not-guilty verdict even further.

I see you forgot to take your pills this morning.

Yeah. Last I checked, if a PC isn’t built properly, the chances that it kills the family of the person that purchased it is next to nill. Speed always either comes in the cost of lower quality or higher prices, neither of which the market is willing to tolerate.

The problem is that she’s a woman, so the conviction rate is significantly less than it would be if this was a man that allegedly did as described. Even if she does get convicted, the likelihood of her actually getting a significant sentence is also pretty minimal, since again, she’s a woman.

If she has children, the

Yes, that’s because under the current definition within the law, he cannot be charged with rape, and it varies from state-to-state. This would be be considered rape in California, by example.

Sorry, I thought you had abandoned the conversation when I mentioned I was a rape victim. It appears I jumped the gun on that one.

Rape comes in many forms. Using your definition, getting a girl drunk and having “consenual” protected, sex with her that she never would have agreed to if she was sober is not rape. Nor is blackmailing someone into sex that they otherwise never would agree to. In fact, pretty much every rape case you’ve heard about

What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? I bet you find it really difficult to believe I can hold this point of view and be a rape victim, but you also know better than to do anything other than “listen and believe”.

I’ve gone through a lot of shit in my life. By far, the most traumatic thing I have ever witnessed in my

I’m a man that has been raped, asshole.

Being coerced into having sex with someone through dishonesty is rape.

Yes they are, because THEY ARE BOTH RAPE. In fact, the long term emotional damage of fathering a child you do not want could actually a much higher emotional burden than being raped, depending on the victim of course.

Using your logic, getting a girl drunk and having protected sex with her that she never would have

See the guy there WAS RAPED if he never would had had sex with the woman if she wasn’t wearing birth control. So comparing rape to rape seems valid to me.

P.S. I’m a rape victim (and no, not the “someone tried to kiss me once”, the forced to have unwanted, never consensual intercourse kind). Don’t dictate to me what I

It’s only stealthing if a man does it to a woman, because then it’s rape, otherwise it’s entirely legal.

Sad, but true.

On what grounds? Is the dozens of well documented cases not enough for you? I thought we were supposed to “listen and believe” sexual assault victims.

So let’s say a guy wants to have a child with his long term girlfriend/wife and she doesn’t. So, he goes and finds a way to replace all of her birth control pills with placebos. That’s not as bad as stealthing?

Horse shit.

Doesn’t physically harm the man? Probably. But what about the emotional damage of fathering a child that a woman lied her way into having? What about how his entire world being turned upside down becoming a father (and trust me, as a father, that’s exactly what happens)

Having sex with someone who has been manipulated

We get different commercials during the same commerical breaks, but I don’t think you guys get extra commercial breaks on top of ours.