
I guess we’re watching different sports, because I hear it before pretty much every NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB game I watch, and those are American channels like NBC, CBS, and ESPN.

Ohh, you think we only hear the American National Anthem before NHL games we attend locally? I hear that thing at least 3-4 times a week watching sports.

Yeah. You’re not going to compete in a serious race wearing any of those in this century.

I heard he was pretty good

I’d be shocked if he didn’t crash out of get lapped within the first 20% of the race. Monaco is the worst possible place for a first F1 race.

Thanks for noticing my hyperbole. Great job.

No one is saying this is definitely a suicide. Initial investigation is pointing in that direction that’s all.

On the other hand, a whole bunch of people have dismissed the idea that this was a suicide because it’s absolutely impossible that a successful black muslim woman would want to kill herself. Those people

You’re just an asshole on the internet. You don’t need anything. No one cares about your opinion.

Most people that commit suidide don’t leave any kind of a note. So that’s shit criteria.

Is there any evidence that most people that commit suicide that are found in bodies of water take off their shoes? Is there any evidence that most people who commit suicide that jump off of bridges or are found in rivers cannot

Yeah, let’s assume the worst. What an asshole Louis is because reasons that may or may not actually be connected.

Seriously, are you a coroner? Have you examined dead bodies enough to be able to be able to “tell the signs of foul play”? Have you examined THIS dead body?


Then perhaps you should listen to the people who have.

So how long have you been a coroner?

I don’t know, how many dead bodies have you examined to give your expert opinion on what is and is not a red flag.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you realize how many successful people kill themselves every day? Take Robin Williams, an incredibly successful straight white male hated by possibly nobody when decided to end his own life one day. You’d figure as a straight white male who had more money than he could spend would

It’s too bad there are 16 year olds that can skate circles around her that will never ever make a junior team, much less a national team. It’s pretty sad that I play pick up hockey against more skilled players than her, and here you are raving about her “skills”.

Without NHLers, the men’s hockey might go too. Russia is going to wipe the floor with everyone in 2018.

Hey, the two semi finals combined had an attendance of 3000! That’s like double the average attendance!

It appears that hasn’t changed at all since. It’ll probably stay lest the IOC get labelled sexist by a bunch of people that have never watched a hockey game in their life.

What? There were some upsets in a basketball tournament? There was one 12 seet and one 10 seed in the top 16?!?! That’s pretty much the definition of parity in sport!

Maybe because if they won everything it would no longer be an Olympic sport. In fact if Canada wasn’t in there to compete against them at a top level, it probably never would have become an Olympic sport.