
Ohh fuck! Well that makes all the difference in the world that there’s more parity at the lower levels! It’s not like lucas was referring to how womens sports tend to have a handful of dominant teams and a huge drop in skill after that top tier level or anything!

Or you could just get a beer league men’s team that would dismantle every team at the tournament, including the USA Women’s team. Maybe that’s why a whopping 1800 people paid $20 a ticket to attend this USA-Germany game.

It’s really sweet that you think a co-ed league where “many of the guys played NCAA DI-DIII” is the level of talent these women would be facing in a professional co-ed league. And let’s be frank here, there’s a bigger disparity between the top 5% of male basketball players and top 5% of female basketball players than

If the WNBA went co-ed, the league would be dominated by men. The NBA D-League and European leagues is full of players that would absolutely wipe the floor with the elite WNBA players. All Co-ed leagues at that level would create is a situation where you would be required to have a certain number of women on the court

Isn’t that sweet? Here you are treating women like charity cases, like they need donations, like they’re lesser than men, and can only get by on hand outs, and acting like I’m the asshole for treating them like they equals they are to men, and expecting them to pull their own weight. The path to equality isn’t paved

The women are clearly and obviously getting paid far too much.

The highest paid players on the Men’s Olympic team are probably going to be AHL players, who make about $50K a year, and many of which have second jobs just to make ends meet. There are members of the Women’s National team, who with their salaries at the

Meanwhile the Men’s team in Wisconsin has literally over three times the attendance, and higher ticket prices. There are CHL teams with far higher attendance than 3000K per game. That’s nothing to be proud of or show that it’s indicative of success.

Are you sure that NHLers are still going to be competing in the World Championships? I’m not so sure any more.

As for that Olympic Roster, there’s a good chance the salaries of the Women’s team is going to be higher than the salary of the men’s team. I assume you consider this a bad thing and must be changed in the

Yeah, you’re probably right, but at the same time. I can already see the barricades getting erected to protect women’s sports from the onslaught. Unfortunately if they gut too much of the other programs that help prop up women’s sports, they’re going to lose everything.

What? A Women’s World Cup Final featuring an AMERICAN Women’s team had similar (but still less) ratings than a Men’s World Cup final that featured two non-American countries in AMERICA?!?!?!?!

Color me shocked! Perhaps I should pull up sports where the Women’s team is far less dominant in their sport than the Men’s

I apologize. That’s a very level headed solution.

Well I mean, except for all of the times teams barred their players from participating in the World Junior champions and the World Championships, you’re totally right.

They have been promoting the hell out of Women’s hockey for Decades now. No one gives a shit!

As for the Women’s World Cup. The last one was held in Canada, and had an average attendance of 26,000 per match. Meanwhile the last Men’s World Cup was held in Brazil in 2015, and had an average attendace of 53,000, along

Because I think the deal that got the NHL to pull out of the Olympics might actually affect NHLer participation in all IIHF sanctioned events, including the world championships.

Ohh! Yeah, the women still don’t have enough. That’s the big issue. The men who are now making less than the women should get even less, and the one’s that want the same pay? They now have to work for Hockey USA to justify their salary while the women just get to focus on playing hockey to get theirs.

That’s fair. I’ll

Ohh, the World Championships. The tournament that occurs during the NHL playoffs where teams are composed of players whose NHL teams didn’t make the playoffs, where NHL teams can and do bar their players from participating, which still has far higher ratings, far higher attendance, and far higher ticket prices, even

And if by “Worked for Women’s tennis” you mean “men’s tennis now covers the deficit women’s tennis creates”, then you’d be accurate.

Except with the NHL pulling out of the Olympics, the men that will be filling that roster will be bringing in a salary far less than the pay raise the women just got. So yeah, they do now need the money the same way the women did.

the men *were* international superstars. Now they’re non-NHL players getting paid the same peanuts the women were getting before, with no salary increase like the women got! Yay fairness!