
The minimum salary of an NHL player is reflective of a percentage of the revenue the NHL generates.

Quick question, do you think the NWHL generates proportionally the same income (factoring in there is less teams). I’ll give you a hint: it’s not even close.

I guarantee that income the Men’s national team(s) are

...You mean amateur athletes were treated like amateur athletes? Shocking!

Are you sure they “earned” this? By that I mean, do you have hard numbers that demonstrates US Women’s National team actually generate enough income to justify a $70K/year salary for 20+ players?

I... uhh... I can’t even.

Everyone’s treatment in the industry is subpar. It requires working super long hours with low pay, and next to no added perks because there’s 1000 people lined up at the door that currently “don’t care about that, they just want to make games”.

I know this because I was one of them. Women were not treated any better or

Birth rape is nonsense. It’s up there with rape culture as bullshit, meaningless terms.

Because I find it really easy to believe that you weren’t in the right state of mind before, during, and now after your birth to be making informed decisions about your health. They don’t strap patients to beds for fun. They strap patients to beds because they’re non-compliant and a danger to themselves and those

A lot of people feel the same way after many different types of surgeries. I guess having your appendix taken out is now “surgery rape”?

How do you know it’s possible to comply with them? How do you know these procedures are unnecessary? Are you an OB/GYN? Have you read these women’s medical histories? Do you know the actual circumstances surrounding why the doctor made that decision besides the person whose hormones were completely out of wack and may

Sorry Emily, It doesn’t work that way. You’re not a doctor. You don’t get to decide what is medically necesary. You’re assuming the woman who was ignored was coherent. the she was thinking rationally. You’re assuming the exam that the doctor was asked to stop doing wasn’t a time sensitive and critical exam.

Unless you

And how do you know whether or not they threaten her health and/or the child’s health? I know! The Doctor who wishes to perform the procedure probably has an idea. But let’s ignore the doctor and focus on feelings, because feelings trump medicine.

How can you say that without literally having access to their medical records, or seeing what happened with your own two eyes with a medical background to know exactly what is going on?

What may appear to be unnecesary or cruel to an average person could very easily be the very best, most necessary and conscientious

Definitely not. If it was video copy protection issues, then all other devices with USB-C to HDMI abilities would not exist, since any device that used it would suffer from the same issue, and have to add the “copy protection security” you think might be in the dock. Yet, these adapters are everywhere for tablets and

Yeah, that technology is an intelligent lockout system that tells the switch that it’s a switch dock, and please send the video out. Is it worth $90? Fuck no. But, it prevents anyone from easily undercutting Nintendo by making their own dock and selling it for $30.

You mean a console that was released 11 years ago didn’t have a feature that everyone expects consoles to have today? SHOCKING!

Did you know the Sega Genesis didn’t even ship with online play? HOW HORRIBLE!

Yes. It’s a full featured level editor. You know, a bonus feature that many games add in as a “nice to have”. Nintendo made an entire game out of that, and you’re treating it like it’s the same type of game as SMB3 or Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy. It isn’t. It’s barely a game the same way that Mario Paint is barely a

Racist against who?

Mario Maker is barely a game. It’s an add on bonus feature that Nintendo decided to sell as a full-fledged game. I have absolutely zero interest in that game and never bought it. Besides, that’s one main-line mario game out of what? 20-30 over the years?

Why are you acting like the exception is the rule?

Thanks for telling me how to play Mario games properly. I mean I’ve only been playing them for decades. Here I was thinking the objective was to get through all of the levels. Coins were just to give you extra lives to help you get through all of the levels. As it turns out I’m supposed to get enjoyment out of playing