
Thomas Rawls is their lead back. He was injured to start the season so they ran with Christine Michael, and CJ Prosice until he got injured. Michael was cut when Prosice emerged and Rawls came back from injury, and he now plays for the Packers.

But none of them hold a candle to Marshawn Lynch. I miss Beast Mode.

My apologies. My number is 22 million PS4s sold since last black friday week. They actually announced 40 million sold as of May, so that means from December 2015 to May 2016, they sold 10 million, and they’ve sold another 12 million from June 2016 to December 2016.

The PS4 has actually sold over 22 million so far this year.

To lose, and lose hard (seahawks fan)

Pirating isn’t the same as going to Best buy and taking a whole rack of CDs. It would be same a taking a device into best buy, and being able to copy the data from the retail CDs into your device without modifying the retail CDs in any way, thus depriving the Best Buy of nothing except the potential of a lost sale.

Nothing is being stolen. It’s being copied.

Very true.

The Vita has about 14.6 million in sales. The Wii U has about 13.5 million in sales. That’s a gap of about 1.1 million in favor of the vita based on my math. I’m not sure where you’re getting your numbers.

you mean more than people who know how much a Wii U controller weighs?