Cool yer heels, Mabel

No, neither. But I have been on the west coast for extended periods and have been there often. Not seeing what there is to be proud of.

West coast pride.... is a thing??? LOL

Might consider banging if I had any idea who this dude is.

Last year, our local eagles-on-cam squirted out of the nest and onto the camera lens lol

Right?! I recently saw an episode of Say Yes to the Dress where the bride bought a dress that cost $14,000 and then opted for the matching veil that cost $7000. WTeverlovingF???

But the toilet paper is for boys too. Duh.

It’s not different. But that won’t be the spin a year from now when they decide this experiment has run its course and isn’t feasible anymore.

Could not believe my eyes when I saw someone IN the SUV!!

What’s crazy af is that it seems someone is sitting in the SUV!

Um, I don’t see this ending well. How long will it be until boys are sneaking into the girl’s bathrooms and taking pads and tampons and using them to “decorate” lockers and such? It almost seems like they should have swipe cards to access the machines or something. :(

Way to hammer that point home!

How do you write an article like this and not mention the biggest thing that makes you come back—- store credit for a return? So even if you don’t see something on your first trip back to the store, they’ll suck you into coming back because you have a store credit you have to use.

She would have been 18 or 19 in 1942

My catholic high school had a rule against married students. You could be knocked up out-of-wedlock and still attend but not married. makes sense. : /

Honestly, smoking weed is how I got through 90% of my kid’s childhood.

I read somewhere else today that her FB page bragged about taking her 4 year old out shooting with a .22.

Come on! Girl Scout cookies sell themselves!

I was thinking maybe you could poach an egg in a coffee pot/maker?

Sitcoms would have you think so but real life says no. I want my kid to talk to me after she’s flown the nest!

My 14 year old is so damn happy that I have no social media accounts and only share her embarrassing moments with my husband and mom (and I don’t share the most embarrassing stuff with them either).