That haircut......
That haircut......
It looks like Harry and Wills are wearing the same pants? Will is definitely not in a suit and Harry definitely isn’t wearing jeans.
These particular rumors have been swirling for a little while now. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Except he became a Jehovah’s Witness a couple of years back and stopped his meds. Allegedly.
Blind items are saying he is in the final stages of AIDS
You’re right. That is my privilege showing. A middle-age white lady in the suburbs doeesn’t have to worry but many people too. My bad. I hadn’t even thought past my own experience/reality. Thanks for pointing it out to me.
Gen X in a state where it’s still not legal and pretty much every gen-Xer I know smokes at least occasionally.
There’s really no risk having weed in your house. No cop is going to get a warrant to bust you for a recreational dime bag.
It would be helpful to have more than one picture and pictures that aren’t grabbed from the opening sequence. And pictures of everyone. Google Image helps.
These fashion recaps would be so much better with, like, pictures of what you’re talking about.
Am I alone in hating on celebs cashing in on legal weed with branding and such? Whoopie weed, High as a Jefferson Airplane, etc? Just stahp already and let some regular folks earn a living, yo!
I mean, she has to be acting like that on purpose, right? Mugging it up for the camera? Or maybe she’s really high or just got out of prison or something? Why would anyone eat like that?
But he’s not going to fail. His mommy is going to buy him a passing grade, by tutor or outright buying a paper.
Having a really hard time feeling sorry for her.
What a train wreck. Both of them. All of it.
The most beautiful anthem.... if you ignore the lyrics.
Anyone dumb enough to even want Kayne’s album, let alone subscribe to a service to get it, deserves to be sheisted.
Actually, I think you might qualify. The last condition on the list of eligible conditions is, “severe chronic or intractable pain that is untreatable”. That sounds like you, no?
You’ve got to be kidding, right? So much pearl-clutching in H’burg just to get this very restrictive medical bill passed. It’ll be a decade at least until we see recreational legalized.