Cool yer heels, Mabel

Yeah, Victoria’s Secret fitters are very sweet, but generally off. I had a fitting for funsies at a very shmancy lingerie shop and HOLY SHIT was that helpful. Not helpful? The fact that I’m basically in between sizes so I always have to grab two of each style to compare, but at least now I know so I can make good


Not just any beautiful niece, a BLONDE one!

Yea. I had someone on facebook say it’s not the trans people she is worried about, it’s heterosexual men pretending to be women to get access to the bathrooms to molest her kids.

I don’t understand why a man waltzing in behind her as she walks into a bathroom is SO MUCH MORE threatening than a man waltzing in behind her into any other room. Is there something about bathrooms that just make men all of a sudden way more rapey?

Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters.

Won’t someone think of the beautiful blonde children?

This whole thing is sadly the next logical step for the bigots who have only just now begun to acknowledge that they lost the fight against gay people. That disgusting facebook post shows the pivot in action; “Look, I don’t hate gays, I’ve learned to tolerate them, but trans people? One must have decency!”

“Excuse me, my tusks are up *here*."

Dat ass, tho

Simon and Garfuckyou.

Okay, does anyone else hope that Daenerys gets to the nursing home for the widows of Khals and ends up organizing them into an army of elderly Dothraki women? Because I would imagine that anyone who outlives a Khal (as opposed to being killed by whatever kills him) is sneaky as hell. I, for one, would not want to go

I can’t believe I’m using this gif for a second time in only a half hour but Lil’ Kim...?

“Everybody knows, though, that a crone is the most powerful witch of all..”

Transwomen are NOT “men who claim to be women.” It’s interesting how your comment history reveals you to be incredibly anti-Transperson. You use the phrase “real women” over and over and over, and I’m embarrassed for you for being so openly bigoted.

Because. They. Can. Already. Do. This.

Troll, much?

I find it interesting that rape only seems to exist for these candidates when trying to beat up trans or gay people. You want to be serious about protecting little girls - maybe stop protecting and justifying the Dugars. There is your abuser - not this boy.

And Caitlyn Jenner thinks that Ted Cruz and his ilk just needs her to do some super special advising on trans issues, and he’ll come around because he’s a very nice man. Remember this incident next time somebody praises Jenner for her courage. Courage is this young man and his mom, NOT a wealthy and priviledged woman

If a presidential candidate is so terrified of a kid who is ‘different’ from him, it doesn’t bode particularly well for his ability to deal with the whole wide world as president.