Spray tan helps.
Spray tan helps.
What about the one pound Reese’s? Or the giant Reese’s Easter Egg?
Wow, what terribly unconvincing evidence!
I hope not to Locks of Love. There are much, much better organizations to donate hair to!
Most hair donated to Locks of Love is sold also.
I would rather not go on than live an existence without crackers, sharing a fucking teeny-tiny Kind bar and stealing plain boiled potato bits from my dog. What is there left to live for????
I think you are underestimating the popularity of satin baseball jackets and piped shorts in the 70's.
Is everyone being sarcastic here??? I just don’t.....
But why does it sound like it’s been recorded on some dude’s basement four track?
Even the eviction notice is adorable!
Americans aren’t fat because the Brits are fatter? LOL
You’re kidding yourself if you think Wills’ marriage wasn’t arranged.
LOL, first you said I said “most” now you are saying I said “ALL”, which I CLEARLY did not. See, you can fact check that right up there ^
Wow, seriously? The medical training is actually outlawed in some states? I.. I had no idea. :(
LOL, first you said I said “most” now you are saying I said “ALL”, which I CLEARLY did not. See, you can fact check that right up there ^
I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t say “most” then. :)
But I’m not talking about a clinic. I’m talking about an obgyn practice that has maybe 2-5 docs just doing the babies and pap stuff. How would anyone know what my D&C was for?
But how would protesters even know that any given doctor performs abortions?
No, it isn’t idiotic at all. Many girls do dress provacitively so that men/boys will notice them/ catcall them. They like that attention. The same actions by men directed at other women who are not seeking attention and do not like that exact same behavior is called street harassment.
Stand-alone clinics, not doctors’ offices or hospitals, perform the vast majority of pregnancy terminations