Cool yer heels, Mabel

One person’s positive attention is another person street harassment. This isn’t hard to understand.

I didn’t say it’s not true for all girls. I said it’s not at all true. Many, many, many girls dress provocatively explicitly for the sexual attention of men and boys.

I don’t think that’s true at all for girls. Have you seen what the kids are wearing these days??

God, no. It doesn’t even look good on the hanger model.

That’s actually untrue and is a product of “awareness” campaigns. It doesn’t matter how early a woman is diagnosed, what matters is what type of cancer it is.

It looks like every other AG doll but with brown skin.

Random question—- When you snap your fingers, do you use your index finger or middle finger? I use Tallman and can’t even snap with Pointer. This girl is using her index fingers. Am I the weirdo or is she?!

LIES!!! The Overlords cannot be trained! I submit that you are the one who has been trained!

What kind of monster peels an orange with a knife??!!!

Both of my grammies were named Flossie (Florence).

It was reported and dismissed by thinking people. Get a grip, man! What are you on about here?

You actually shouldn’t throw apple cores or banana peels or any type of food out of the window. It attracts animals to the road where they are more likely to be hit by cars.

I personally know three ex-priests, one my first cousin, who left the priesthood for women. It’s pretty common. But not as common as priests who carry on affairs while remaining priests.

But she worked for weeks, perfecting that font!

What a lovely tribute!

Fucking creepy.

The reason that sellers offer help with closing is to get the house sold. It’s generally used in a buyer’s market to incentivize a buyer into choosing your house above another. Lots of first-time buyers come in when it is a buyer’s market and lots of them don’t have enough saved to cover the down money and the closing

She has stated that she wants Roe overturned so, yeah, she wants to ban abortion.

But if you don’t have the cash to pay closing costs or down payment, this is ideal.

It is, sort of. Except it’s written into the sales contract so is used by the mortgage company when underwriting the loan. Your down payment, closing costs or both can be covered by the seller which can make it easier to get a loan.