Cool yer heels, Mabel

What if it was Nickelback?

She is one of the Aunt Vivs. The one that got replaced.

Now playing

I highly recommend the documentary, “LaLee’s Kin: The Legacy of Cotton”. The poverty in the South is almost impossible to fathom in 2016 USA.

It’s actually The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. AKA, Wharton.

A friend of my mom’s was killed a few years back when a steel beam slid off a semi in front of her, came through her windshield and impaled her!

My daughter is 14, sews better than I do and cooks better than my mom (ha! Your dinners sucked, mom!). Thanks, Montessori!

The kind that have been going to culinary camp and school since the age of 4.

My husband always calls this band One Dimension. Not to be funny but because he’s not hip with the stuff of the youths. I always tell him he’s spot-on.


However, there are a few charities I might toss 4 or 5 digits to on a regular basis.

Capital gains tax does not apply if the house has been their primary residence for at least two of the past five years.

Not if the sale price is $1 plus “love and consideration”. It’s fairly standard verbiage for gifting houses that is perfectly legal as a tax shelter.

She looks like an amateur ventriloquist.

Kicking of his No Fucks Tour ‘16!!!!!

I kind of feel like the entire Vogue article was mocking them.

Imagine this clown giving a SOTU address and someone shouting out, “YOU LIE!!”

I was thinking mandolin.

Sure it is. It’s an investment strategy. Investors are betting that the value of the property will increase over the next few years and that they can get a better purchase price today than they would be able to get in the future. Hef is like 90; he isn’t going to last very much longer. Call it buy and hold if it makes

So fucking contrived