Cool yer heels, Mabel

Yeah, but if you can’t save every single victim of gun violence, why bother?

My husband and I went to an Indian casino in NM on vacation once, just to see how it was. We decided to each play with twenty bucks. I went to the blackjack table and lost it all in minutes on two hands. Went to find him and he’s walking toward me from a roulette table. I figured he lost his whole twenty too. The he

Saw an asian girl...

IDK, the message is confusing. Is it supposed to be, “If you’re over a size six, you need not apply”?

Dangerous people who want to come to our country can just come here on vacation. As to their being a strain on social services, I disagree.

Thank you!!

Honestly, I don’t know because I don’t really care. Immigration isn’t a big issue, IMO.

He actually didn’t struggle to get here. He got a student visa and then bribed Cuban officials for an exit stamp. Then, after he over-stayed his student visa, he applied for asylum and got a green card. (After that, he jumped the line by marrying an American citizen but didn’t take advantage of his new status.

And I just gave up my Canadian citizenship two years ago...

We should welcome people who come following the laws, but there are consequences for breaking the laws, and that is part of what makes America the nation that we are.

Yeah, like any of them have ever or will ever leave the country. Likely, they have never even left their states.

Thank you! That seems really cool and I’ll definitely bring it to her attention.:)


Yep, the real world that feeds into the Ivies and then DC, Wall Street and governors’ mansions.


Yes, she definitely will, especially considering she just won a $10,000 merit scholarship to a very pricey private prep school. :)

You take that back!!!

Her school has students from 18 months through eighth grade and is a certified Montessori school. It’s pretty remarkable, the young woman she has become, and I credit almost all of that to her wonderful teachers and amazing school. My heart breaks every time I go into the school now, thinking, ‘this is the last ___

*Mumbles* You think the pink tower is cool? I can show you a real tower.

In a Montessori school, the children choose “work” that seems like play but is cleverly disguised. They are free to choose any “work” they want but are not free not to choose anything. You would be surprised at how much learning happens while seemingly just playing.