Cool yer heels, Mabel

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.

I mean, TBH, you can probably buy some nearly-identical cards in stores right now. These aren’t different from cards I’ve seen or received.


Mason jars are very inexpensive where I live and most grocery stores carry them by the box . 12 pint jars or six quart jars are around $12.

My daughter’s seventh grade teacher last year rocked a man-bun for the second part of the year. In the fall and early winter, he only has enough to pull off that shaggy-sexy look. I literally did not recognice him on the first day of school this year as he exchanged the ban-bun boho look for some sort of strange,

That has not been my experience on 20+ trips to Miami.

Wrong comment

Congratulations on your impending bundle!

We used a stroller for my daughter a handful of times only. It was the biggest waste of money of all of the baby stuff we bought. She would. not. have. it. Screamed and arched her back and freaked out within 10 seconds of being placed in it (or any stroller). I just threw her in a Moby (this was back in the day, when

I second just letting that sweet booty out for some air but if you need an ointment,

We had a changing table as well and only used it as secondary baby clothes storage. As my pediatrician wisely said, “A baby can’t fall off of the floor”, so that’s pretty much where we always changed her.

Not if you put a little water in the bottom. By the time you get to the end of the pack, the water has evaporated, but not enough to let the last wipes get dried out.

I mean, a box of Tampax with the cardboard applicator specifically says that the applicator is flushable so who wouldn’t think you can flush the tampon too?

Not exactly. While with perfect use, the odds of uninteded prgnancy jumo from 25 to 4%, with typical use, the odds only increase from 17% to 18%.

I read somewhere recently that there actually isn’t any sperm in pre-cum.

IDK, it’s worked for me and my husband for the past 15 years. I hate condoms, the pill makes me insane and I don’t love the thought of an IUD. I would say we are just the lucky ones except I have a bunch of friends who also use the withdrawl method without any unintended pregnancies.

Oh, it isn’t being swept under the rug at all! Right wing foxbots are already blaming CA’s gun restrictions for there not being a ‘good guy with a gun’ in the room.

Please also be aware that foster parents are often not given all of the information on their foster-child’s health/ mental health issues due to HIPAA laws. My brother and his wife adopted a daughter out of foster care; they got her when she was 18 monthss old. It wasn’t until they legally adopted her three years later

Not only is it free to adopt through foster care, but you also still get the money that would be paid to you as a foster family after the child is officially adopted, until s/he is 18.