Asheville is really liberal. Not every town in the south is full of slack-jawed yokels. I lived in Athens, GA for over seven years. It’s a blue county surrounded by a sea of red.
Asheville is awesome. Asheville and Charlotte are the reasons North Carolina is a swing state. I live just over the Tennessee state line, less than an hour from Asheville, and our downtown has modeled itself on Ashville and brought in some their restaurants. It makes me so happy.
Pretty sure he gives a shit about himself but not others.
I’m honestly surprised he got indicted. Fingers crossed for guilty verdict.
Thank you for publishing Scott’s in-uniform picture. So many other outlets purposely published less flattering photos of him. Not only did Scott not deserve to die at the hands of a crazed cop, but he deserves the respect he is due for serving our country.
Aw that’s actually such an awesome thing. Getting asked to a dance is a great feeling, even if its just as friends.
When my son got caught smoking pot on campus at HS (and at the parent/principal/student meeting was asked by the principal what happened to make him go from F’s to A’s and B’s recently), the punishment was this: if you had extracurricular activities you had to quit; if you didn’t you had to join one. My son chose the…
I work with teens and I say this all the time: they are great. Fucking great. I like them than I like most adults.
My daughter, now 19, was a member of GSA (gay/straight alliance) at her high school and took her girlfriend to the prom. Her little sister, now 13, although straight, intends to join next year. It’s the greatest thing. I don’t know how far GSA has penetrated into the heartland, where it’s most needed. I’m impressed…
Oh my god, this is incredible. This is awesome. I don’t know what to do with all these human emotions.
I teach high school and I can vouch for one thing: this new batch of kids are fucking awesome about a lot of things. They can be crappy towards each other sometimes, oblivious and callous at other times, but all in all, I would have had a MUCH better high school experience with this generation of kids than the ones I…
What an incredibly touching story. Now that’s a Friend with a capital F.
Oh my God. I don’t know how I missed hearing about this. IT IS THE BEST THING.
Forget everything you’re read about teens in the past few weeks. Yes, they’re moody and rambunctious. Yes, they do…
There were so many stories about him being a verbally abusive jackass when they were together and I think he kept trying to use her connections to sell some product he came up with.